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Alibaba Cloud's multiterminal applet mass industry solution is a safe choice for 200000 merchants to purchase multiterminal adaptation at one time

Now is the world of small programs. Whether eating, taking a taxi, or shopping, many people are enjoying the convenient services brought by small programs. From the perspective of businesses, developing small programs is costly and time-consuming, which increases the cost of online business. In order to facilitate the quick and low-cost use of applets, Alibaba Cloud has launched multi end applets. Because they are the official quality assurance of Alibaba Cloud, they can provide solutions for a large number of industries, and they can purchase multi end adaptations at one time. Here is a detailed introduction of Weieis blog AliCloud multi end applet The situation.

1、 AliCloud multi end applet

Click me directly Official website page

Click me to get it Alibaba Cloud 1000 yuan vouchers can be used to save money and business costs when purchasing hundreds of Alibaba Cloud products.

The specific usage is to get a voucher first, then go to Alibaba Cloud to buy cloud products, and check to use a voucher before paying, so that you can save money.

2、 Features of AliCloud's multi end applet

Multi terminal integration: one purchase, Alipay, WeChat, Baidu and other multiple terminals are online synchronously
Exquisite templates: hundreds of exquisite modules selected independently
Full custody service: small program registration, production, online, full custody service, worry free
Fast delivery: 100+service teams, Alipay, WeChat, Baidu small programs launched within 25 working days for fast delivery

3、 Support industry

Retail e-commerce: similar to the self run Tmall flagship store on the mobile terminal, it can realize more than 50 core functions such as commodity display, search, order placement, logistics distribution, coupons, and distribution management. Businesses can have their own shopping mall with simple settings.

Smart stores: small programs developed for small and medium-sized individual stores help businesses build online stores to achieve online sales. They have a variety of service modes, such as self delivery in stores and distribution in stores. With the convenience and speed of small programs, they continue to attract businesses and improve their service experience.

Smart restaurant: a small program tailored for individual catering merchants. It has the functions of taking out, queuing, booking, ordering and commenting. Scanning the code allows multiple people to order food at the same time. The order is automatically issued without the participation of the waiter, improving the service experience and personnel efficiency of the merchants.

Enterprise display: The enterprise display module is equivalent to the enterprise's network business card. It is not only a good publicity for the enterprise's image, but also can help the enterprise to sell. Enterprises can use small programs to display products, cases, promote enterprise culture, release information, etc., and quickly create a small program official website.

Education and training: Tailor made industry solutions for the offline training industry, support course appointment, registration and purchase, classroom recording and audition, and online sharing to help education and training enterprises achieve business transformation and upgrading through mobile Internet.

Service industry: customized solutions for the service industry. Offline physical stores can fully display service items online, and users can make online reservations and pay deposits. After the service is completed, users can evaluate and score the service.

Hotel reservation: an integrated hotel solution for the hotel industry. Customers can make hotel reservations through small programs to facilitate, quickly and comprehensively improve the service experience of the hotel. At the same time, with the help of the membership function, customers can be locked into the hotel to increase their return rate and room rental rate, and the transformation and upgrading of Internet+hotels can be easily realized.

Auto 4S store: including online exhibition hall, online booking, activity information, card and coupon marketing, car management and other functions. The product will connect customers and stores around the three modules of intelligent exhibition hall, marketing activities, and car management, give full play to the advantages of convenient small programs, social communication and other advantages, and continue to channel and transform for auto stores.

Real estate intermediary: The solution of real estate intermediary industry is mainly used for offline real estate intermediary stores. It provides these institutions with online housing information and a platform for brokers to display. You can share property information and release property demand directly from the applet, so it is clear whether you rent or buy a house.

Decoration building materials: including work cases, boutique gallery, designer introduction, etc., to display the image and design concept of the decoration company in an all-round way. It can also guide online users to make decoration appointment and offer consultation to obtain more services, and help the decoration and building materials industry to achieve transformation and upgrading in combination with offline stores!

Smart government
Use smart government small programs to shorten the distance between the government and the people, help the government image display, promote sunny government, facilitate government and people interaction, establish a unified government information disclosure platform for the city, county, district, township level governments, simplify the public service process, improve the government's administrative efficiency, open government service channels, and realize the transformation to "smart government"

Wedding Appointment
Help wedding companies build a "Internet+wedding" platform, connect users and businesses with the social advantages of small programs, and improve the brand strength and customer management efficiency of wedding companies.

4、 Alibaba Cloud Multi end Applet Service Process

1. Demand communication
2. Tailor the plan
3. Select a scheme to place an order
4. Register a multiterminal applet for you
5. Communication and decoration production
6. Customer check and acceptance

5、 Strong service team

100+senior technical team
A research and development team of 100 people, quickly and iteratively updated, launched new marketing functions and business functions, so that customers can enjoy the most cutting-edge products and best services in the market

100+after-sales service team
The customer exclusive service group provides many to one services. The exclusive customer consultant must respond to online question answering, function explanation, operation training, remote assistance in a timely manner, and provide 7 * 12 hours of golden service product after-sales guarantee

800+day product iteration
The first batch of small program development teams in China have polished products for more than 800 days, with stable product functions and mature development service system

100 million user access
Served more than 200000 customers, accumulated billion accesses, and handled millions of concurrent traffic safely and stably

Cloud firewall and multiple data backup
AliCloud multi end applets use a series of security and fire prevention devices such as AliCloud Yundun, SSL certificates, DDOS protection, firewalls, etc. The data is stored on AliCloud OSS and RDS, and the data persistence is not less than 99.99%

99.9% SLA guarantee
Alibaba Cloud's multi end applets rely on Alibaba Cloud computing products, and have a detailed security management system for sudden failures. We promise that the SLA for system failures is 99.9%, providing a reliable guarantee for the normal use of applets

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Article name: "Alibaba Cloud's massive industrial solution for multi end applets"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/17359.html
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