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Pagoda Windows panel is newly restructured, lighter, faster, safe and stable, and uses less memory

Pagoda windows panel It has always been popular among Chinese people, and the number of downloads and deployments is very large. Recently, Weieis blog found that the pagoda windows panel has been restructured with Python, which is lighter, faster, more secure and stable, and uses less memory. In this case, Lao Wei must test and share the content of the installation configuration.

1、 Official website

Official website of pagoda panel: Click me directly

1. The pagoda official will present a coupon gift package of 3188 yuan.
2. New users can enjoy a professional version of 0.99 yuan experience for one month.

Lao Wei suggested that the pagoda panel is suitable for novices and Xiaobai to build a website, and supports Linux and Windows systems, Click to go directly to the pagoda website Register an account and get a free professional edition gift package of ¥ 3188 (only 1188 yuan for permanent authorization of the professional edition). New users can enjoy a professional edition experience of 0.99 yuan for 7 days.
Recommended selection of pagoda panel Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud The server
For more information, see Special topic of pagoda panel
Click to view NetEase Cloud Classroom "Introduction to Pagoda Linux Panel for Novice"

2、 Support environment and software

Windows version supports 2008/2012/2016/2019, 64 bit system, Web side management, and one click creation of website, FTP, and database; Security management, file management, PHP multi version coexistence and switching;
Environment support: ASP+ASPX+PHP+MYSQL5.5/5.6/5.7+MSSQL05/08/12/14/17+mariaDB+FTP+Apache+Nginx

It can be seen that the Windows panel of the pagoda supports a large number of environments, basically including common site building environments in the market, so that most can easily build sites in the Windows server.

Pagoda Windows Version 6.4 Update Log:
1. New Nginx environment, which is great, although the win server also has nginx requirements;
2. The authentication service of BasicAuth is newly added, and the user name and password encryption mode are transmitted on the network, with high security;
3. Add common environment functions for one click deployment, which are more and more comprehensive and powerful;
4. The new phpmyadmin 4.4/4.6/4.7/4.8/4.9 supports the use of old PHP programs, which is very considerate;
5. New third-party application functions with comprehensive functions;
6. Add JAVA Project Manager
7. Remove incompatible extensions in php5.3/5.4
8. Add Let's Encrypt certificate application. This free SSL certificate is very useful;
9. Fix the binding of nginx/apache subdirectory
10. The Pyhton environment on the repair server causes the software/plug-in to fail to install

It can be seen from the above updates that although the new version of pagoda windows is not updated frequently, every update is very useful.

3、 Install the pagoda windows panel

The new version of the pagoda windows panel installation file is only 4M in size. Old Wei has always wondered how to do it. The size of the previous 5.4 version is tens of megabytes, and it will be hundreds of megabytes after installation. The reason was not known until the installation was completed.

The installation process is too simple. It will detect netframe and pyhton. If not, it will be automatically installed. It is very user-friendly. After completing the initial information of the panel, the panel address, account and password are prompted. The new version of the panel only supports the web side. Copy the panel address to the browser to open and manage it.

The reason why the new version of the panel installation package is so small is that most of the code is removed and provided in the form of a browser. In this way, we can log into the management pagoda panel on any computer, which is very convenient.

5.4 The old version can only remotely log in to the server to manage the website. In contrast, the new version is a big change. At present, there is no similar operation in the domestic Windows panel.

4、 Configure the pagoda windows panel

You can configure to use the domain name to log in to the pagoda windows panel. After binding, you can only use the domain name to access the panel.

Modify ports, security portals, authorized IP addresses, user names, passwords, etc., and you can understand these operations at a glance.

5、 Select to install the one button kit

If there is no installation environment, the page will first prompt you to select one of the three environments for installation.

Lao Wei chose IIS suite installation test. IIS can be used for both asp and php programs. However, Lao Wei thinks that the industry has expertise. IIS still runs asp programs. Apache and nginx run php programs more professionally and efficiently.

6、 Pagoda windwos panel interface

After installing the suite and entering the control interface, it turns out that it is no different from the Linux panel. For those who are used to using the Linux panel, they are simply too familiar with it. It is still a familiar interface and a familiar taste. So Wei felt that this control interface really had nothing to say. Even if you are a novice, this interface will be easy to use.

The columns on the left are websites, FTP, databases, monitoring, firewalls, file management, planned tasks, software management, settings, etc. You can roughly understand what they are used for, and the overall panel layout is very clear.

In general, the layout, configuration and operation of the pagoda windows panel and the linux panel are quite clear, and the various functions are identical to those of the linxu panel, which is recommended for everyone to use.

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Article name: The new reconstruction of the pagoda windows panel is lighter, faster, safe and stable, with less memory occupation
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/17357.html
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