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PhpStudy's method of installing Ftp Server

PhpStudy It is suitable for novices to learn how to configure Windows servers. However, after configuring the php environment, Windows servers need to install additional component programs, such as FTP server. Then let's follow One click phpStudy installation environment building tutorial for Windows VPS server To complete the phpstudy environment ftp server Let's build it. That is, install Ftp Server to realize the FTP upload and download function.

We log in to the Windows server where phpstudy was installed before. In the directory shown in the figure above, we can find the shortcut link of the ftp server tutorial. After opening it, we will find the download address of the ftp server software, download it to the server, and run the installation. The default path is disk D, but if you have only one disk C, Then change the path to disk C.

As shown in the figure above, the ftp server client is also quite simple after the installation is completed. Click the Start button to register the service and start the ftp server. The software will pop up a window indicating that the ftp server has been started. At the same time, the ftp service will be started automatically when the software is started. Click Stop to uninstall the service and stop the ftp server. To uninstall, click Stop to delete the entire directory.

Then create an ftp user. Click Add and enter the name of the ftp account to be added.

Check Password in the General tab and enter the ftp password.

Finally, click Shared Folder to add directory and set permissions.

Well, now you can use the ftp software client to connect to the Windows server on your local computer. If you don't use ftp software, go to FTP Software Usage Tutorial Generally speaking, it is quite simple. It can be easily completed with a few mouse clicks.

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Article name: PhpStudy's Method of Installing Ftp Server
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/1730.html
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