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How to select servers for Alibaba Cloud's August September sales limited time event?

From August 6, 2019, Alibaba Cloud launched a time limited event for best sellers. Yesterday, Wei Aisi's blog had introduced the content of this activity, so many friends came to ask Old Wei: How to choose so many servers, so many models, so many configurations? Mr. Wei will analyze these configurations in detail to help everyone quickly choose the server that is suitable for them and speed up business operation.

1、 Links to preferential activities

Click me directly The limited time flash sale page of the host in August; In September, continue to grab

Click me to get it AliCloud 1000 yuan voucher can be used to offset the amount when making payment, saving money. Even if you are not satisfied with this activity and choose another ECS, these vouchers can also be used to save money.

2、 Active configuration model

Popular host

Universal network enhanced sn2ne (3 years) Shared n4 (3 years) Burst performance t5 (3 years) Computing network enhanced sn1ne (3 years)
Only 83 yuan/month, applicable to various general applications 27.8 yuan/month, applicable to individual developers and webmasters 15 yuan/month, cost-effective choice, suitable for entry-level users 277.8 yuan/month, suitable for various computing intensive applications
2-core 8G memory 5M bandwidth 1 core, 2G memory, 1M bandwidth 1 core, 1G memory, 1M bandwidth 8-core 16G memory 8M bandwidth
3000 yuan/3 years Recommended by Lao Wei 1000 yuan/3 years 538 yuan/3 years 10000 yuan/3 years
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Selected host

Hong Kong - burst performance t5 (2 years) Shared n4 (2 years) Computing network enhanced sn1ne (1 year) Universal network enhanced sn2ne (1 year)
22 yuan/month, low load application, 10% benchmark CPU computing performance 21.5 yuan/month, applicable to individual developers and webmasters 89 yuan/month, suitable for various computing intensive applications 317.6 yuan/month, applicable to various general applications
1 core, 1G memory, 1M bandwidth 1 core, 1G memory, 1M bandwidth 2-core 4G memory 4M bandwidth 4-core 16G memory 10M bandwidth
524 yuan/2 years preferred host without filing 516 yuan/2 years 1070 yuan/year 3810 yuan/year
Click me directly Click me directly Click me directly Click me directly
Computing network enhanced sn1ne (2 years) Computing network enhanced sn1ne (2 years) Memory network enhanced se1ne (1 year) Universal network enhanced sn2ne (2 years)
140.5 yuan/month, suitable for various computing intensive applications 208 yuan/month, suitable for various computing intensive applications 416.7 yuan/month, suitable for various memory intensive applications 416.7 yuan/month, applicable to various general applications
4-core 8G memory 5M bandwidth 8-core 16G memory 2M bandwidth 8-core 64G memory 3M bandwidth 8-core 32G memory 10M bandwidth
3372 yuan/year 5000 yuan/year 5000 yuan/year 10000 yuan/2 years
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3、 How to select

The host of this activity is divided into two types: popular models and selected hosts. The following distinguishes this activity from different perspectives and provides suggestions on how to choose.

A、 Distinguish from the model

1. The popular hosts are selected from the entry-level and performance balanced configurations. The feature is that they meet the business needs of different levels respectively, and they are all three years long, suitable for friends who have established and operated the station for a long time. These four hosts represent different stages of business growth: entry, advancement, growth, and high traffic.

2. The entry level is the burst performance instance T5, 1 core, 1G memory, 1M bandwidth, limited CPU, and suitable for lightweight businesses, websites, etc. The biggest feature is cheap, cheap, or cheap. Lao Wei personally doesn't recommend choosing this model for long-term website construction. After a period of experience, Lao Wei will show a card;

3. The advanced model is shared n4, where multiple chicks share hen resources, and chicks compete for resources. The website has a certain amount of traffic. One or two thousand traffic is still no problem. It's hard to say if there is more traffic. It depends on the actual situation.

The growth stage is the general-purpose network enhanced sn2ne. When the business is growing stronger and stronger, ordinary hosts can no longer meet the growing traffic, so a high configuration model with two cores, 8G memory and 5M bandwidth has emerged to meet this demand.

In the phase of high traffic, for example, hundreds of thousands to millions of traffic every day, it is recommended to use the general-purpose enhanced sn1ne with 8 cores, 16G memory, and 8M bandwidth. to configure. It is essential to easily deal with heavy traffic access.

B、 Distinguish from purchase duration

One year, two years, three years, and one year or two for short-term operations. For example, you are optimistic about a business, but the prospect is unknown. In order to save costs, you can choose one year. If the business does not run well before the expiration, it will also save money; Long term operation business is naturally selected for 3 years, which is cheap and cost-effective.

C、 Distinguish from different models

It is divided into burst performance t5, shared n4, general network enhanced sn2ne, computing network enhanced sn1ne, memory network enhanced se1ne.

The burst performance instance t5 is an entry-level host, the shared type n4 is an advanced host, and the general network enhanced type is a growth host. Most websites can use this type easily and smoothly;
The enhanced computing performance and network performance of the computing network are very strong, and are suitable for businesses with high computing requirements and network requirements;
The memory network enhanced model is characterized by a CPU memory ratio of 1:4, which is suitable for businesses requiring more large memory. It also has strong network performance.

D、 Distinguish from regions

It is divided into mainland and Hong Kong. Needless to say, the mainland region can be selected as needed. The advantage of the mainland region is that the country visit is fast and stable. The disadvantage is that the mainland region must be recorded, otherwise the website access cannot be opened;

The Hong Kong server does not need to be filed, and can open the website to visit immediately. The disadvantage is that there are occasional small fluctuations through international routes, but the normal access is not affected. Another is that the price is about 25% higher than that in China.

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Article name: How to select servers for Alibaba Cloud's August September sales limited time event
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/17237.html
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