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Where can I buy domain names and hosts of foreign trade websites?

Where can I buy domain names and hosts of foreign trade websites? Netizens asked in the group: Where is the best place to buy domain names and servers for foreign trade websites? Some netizens said that Weieis Blog thinks there is still a lot to say, and has mastered the skills of selection, which can help you quickly and conveniently choose the appropriate domain name provider and hosting provider, and then build a website easily, so that you can have time and more energy to invest in foreign trade website construction and foreign trade business. On the contrary, if you don't make the right choice, you may get half the result with twice the effort and invest a lot of energy, but you don't get the expected effect.

Where can I buy domain names and hosts of foreign trade websites? Foreign trade websites are mainly for foreign users, generally including the United States, Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa and other countries. These users can access their own servers quickly, while accessing foreign servers will be slow. So to build a foreign trade website, first of all, consider where your main user groups are. For example, Lao Wei once met a netizen who said that he had placed his server in Hong Kong, while the customer was mainly in Europe. He said that the website opened slowly, and it was not easy to find some information on the website, so he had to ask him. At this time, Lao Wei suggested that he choose a new server in Europe and move the website. After a period of arrangement and configuration, the website moved, and the customer said that his website opened much faster, it was very convenient to find information, so that communication would be much smoother.

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Old Wei suggested that the domain name of the foreign trade website should be purchased from a foreign domain name provider, and the host computer should be purchased from a foreign region (domestic vendors also provide servers in foreign regions). The following is a detailed explanation of Lao Wei's views. If you have different views, please comment or add Q group on the right side of the page to discuss.

1、 Foreign trade domain name

Tell me about the whole process of visiting the website. When you open a domain name (visit a website) in the browser, first go to your local DNS server to query which IP the domain name points to. If there is one, go to that IP to open the website; If not, query the upper level DNS server until the international top-level DNS server is found.

Now let's simulate the process of foreign users visiting your foreign trade website. If your domain name is purchased in domestic Alibaba Cloud, your host is purchased abroad. Then when a user visits, he/she first queries his/her own DNS server, and then is directed to the Alibaba Cloud domain name in China after the first level query, and then points to a foreign server. It may take about ten seconds or more to go through multiple DNS servers and cross country queries. Google's requirements for website opening speed have become increasingly high. Generally speaking, websites that have not been opened for more than 3 seconds will be ranked and weighted down by Google, and will not be favored by Google in terms of SEO optimization.

Some netizens also said that I bought a domain name in Alibaba Cloud, and then changed the DNS address to a foreign one. Yes, it is. Lao Wei should remind you to pay attention to two points. First, the registration of an account with a domestic cloud service provider must pass the real name authentication audit. Second, the domain name must also pass the real name authentication audit before it can be used. Many people hate this and do not want to expose their personal identity information on the Internet. If you have no complaints about this, then there is no major problem.

Foreign domain name vendors will not review your personal information. They do not have this requirement. So foreign businesses that buy domain names also have different levels. For example, godaddy is the largest domain name vendor in the world that we are familiar with. Since its listing, the price of various cloud services, including domain names, has risen. So Lao Wei suggested to consider the namesilo domain name provider.

The namesilo domain name is characterized by its low price, free privacy protection service and free transfer in and out.

Click to enter the official website of Namesilo

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Click to enter the Namesilo price comparison page (Comparison of prices in the same industry)

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2、 Foreign trade server or foreign trade virtual host

After the domain name is mentioned above, let's talk about the more important choice of foreign trade server and foreign trade virtual host.

Let's take the first example. We should choose the region of the foreign trade server from the perspective of the customer. Where the customer is, we should choose the server region, so that customers can visit the site quickly and improve the user experience of the website. There are many regional selection skills. Lao Wei will popularize them in detail.

1. The main sales market and users of the product are in the United States. Which region should you choose?

At this time, considering the speed of customer access and the convenience of your management, the host in western America is preferred. It is close to China, which not only facilitates your management and maintenance, but also provides customers with extremely fast access speed;

2. If you have customers in Europe and the United States, how should you choose the server region?

Lao Wei suggested giving priority to the eastern host of the United States. The eastern host of the United States can serve the whole American continent without problem, and can also accommodate European users. If you want to manage, it may be slower than the host access of Maxi. You can also manage it.

3. For Southeast Asian markets, how do customers choose regions?

The regions providing services to Southeast Asian markets generally include Hong Kong, Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur), Singapore, Indonesia (Jakarta) and Thailand (Bangkok). At this time, you can select the server region according to which countries your customers are mainly in. If you want to cover the whole Southeast Asia region, Singapore or Hong Kong is preferred, giving consideration to user access and convenient management.

How do server vendors choose?

After the long-term use and experience of Lao Wei and his friends, the following suitable server vendors are summarized for reference only.

Click me directly On the AliCloud server page, click "Buy Now" to enter the configuration page, and then select the applicable region. then Click me to get it AliCloud 1000 yuan voucher can offset the payment amount and save money.

Click me to open On the Tencent ECS page, select the server region according to the user's region. Click me to open The new user's exclusive 2680 yuan voucher is unconditionally free of charge, and it can also save the cost of going to the cloud when using it at the time of purchase.

Selected explosives area
618 Zhongshenghui Click to view the purchase
Selected preferential activities Click to view the purchase
Tencent Cloud Preferential Products Zone Click to view the purchase
Cross border e-commerce store server Lightweight application server
Tencent Cloud Animal Palu Game Server Click to view the purchase
For more Tencent Cloud content, please see Tencent Cloud

The most recommended foreign virtual host is the siteground. Click me directly After the official siteground page, follow the Siteground Sign up to Purchase Graphic Tutorial If you operate the content of, you can successfully purchase. The advantage of siteground is that you can install SSL certificates, deploy CDN acceleration and cache websites with one click. For more features, please move to Benefits of choosing Siteground virtual host for foreign trade websites It is especially suitable for novices to use and can free up more energy for website operation.

Foreign trade, B2C/C2C and other websites suggest registering domain names abroad. open Namesilo official website , enter and select in the search box, and then register. Remember to use the discount code to save money. Discount code click Course of domain name registration of foreign domain name provider Namesilo obtain.
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Suggested choice of foreign trade website SiteGround virtual host SiteGround virtual host is the host officially recommended by WordPress, which is a perfect match with WordPress. The WordPress website on the Siteground virtual host has excellent speed and stability, and has been highly evaluated on foreign test websites.
About SiteGround: SiteGround Theme

So if you want to give users the best access experience and make less trouble for yourself, it is better to buy domain names from foreign merchants. The server should choose a foreign region, and you can give priority to the above mentioned ones.

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Article name: Where can I buy domain names and hosts of foreign trade websites
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/16937.html
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