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Alibaba Cloud APP upload data and authenticity verification process

Alibaba Cloud APP upload data and authenticity verification has the effect of convenient, fast, cost saving and trouble saving. It supports one-time upload of filing data and authenticity verification by the person in charge of the website, which can be submitted to the Administration for review as soon as the same day, shortening the time for website filing and improving the filing efficiency. Mentioned before Alibaba Cloud APP Filing Function Introduction In order to help everyone improve the filing efficiency, Weiaisi Blog shares the detailed image and text process of Alibaba Cloud APP upload data and authenticity verification operation.

At present, users in all provinces can use Alibaba Cloud APP to submit for filing, but the sponsor's ID card is required. Filing information must be submitted to the link of uploading data before Alibaba Cloud APP can be used for verification.

First, purchase the domain name and Alibaba Cloud server in advance. You can refer to the following Alibaba Cloud discount activities for purchase. The discount is very strong. It is recommended to purchase for 1 to 3 years, so you can avoid spending a lot of money on renewal.

A、 Click me to get it AliCloud 1000 yuan voucher can be used to offset the amount when making payment, saving money;

B、 Click me directly On the AliCloud national cloud computing page, three ECS servers are folded, and more than one is selected for preferential configuration;

C、 Click me directly Alibaba Cloud enterprise level ECS page, a 50% discount for high-performance enterprise level ECS;

D、 Click me directly On the Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server page, a novice can quickly start building an environment and website with one click;

E、 To save money, please move Alibaba Cloud Shopping Cart Money Saving Strategy , skillfully use the shopping cart to carry out the preferential discount to the end;

F、 For more promotional activities, please go to Summary of Alibaba Cloud long-term promotional activities

1. Fill in the filing information on the AliCloud ICP generation filing platform to the link of uploading data, and select AliCloud APP for uploading.

2. Use your mobile phone to scan the QR code on the left in the figure below, download and install AliCloud APP.

3. Use Alibaba Cloud APP to scan the QR code of the filing order. After opening the AliCloud APP, use the scan function to scan the uploaded data page on the computer side, and use the AliCloud APP to upload the QR code of the filing order.

4. Upload the data to be submitted for verification according to the tips on the upload data page.

Note: In order to improve the passing rate of the first review, it is recommended to wear neatly with white walls as the background when using APP to take face recognition photos.

5. After the data upload is completed, the APP prompts that the data upload is successful. Return to the computer and check the uploaded data. After confirmation, the filing application shall be submitted for review.

The whole process is so simple and fast.

2、 Use Alibaba Cloud app to supplement data

If during the review of the filing application, Alibaba Cloud officially finds that supplementary data needs to be transferred, it will send you a QR code for supplementary data transfer. The user then transfers the data according to the following steps.

1. Download and install AliCloud apps first. Update if the version is too old. Log in to the AliCloud app and enter the console>>website for filing.

2. Scan the data in the filing notice email and upload the data by QR code. Enter the image upload page.
3. According to the prompt information, conduct face verification and upload data pictures. Adjust the position of the mobile phone, and put the avatar in the appropriate position. When the system detects the available avatar, it will automatically verify. Follow the prompts to complete the corresponding designated actions, such as blinking, nodding, etc.
4. Upload clear and complete images of relevant certificates of the sponsor, such as business license, ID card, etc.
5. Upload clear and complete valid ID images of the principal and website principal, such as ID card, passport, etc.
6. Download the authenticity verification form template and the website sponsor's letter of commitment template according to the email prompt, and take photos and upload after completing as required.
7. Upload other materials according to the prompt: domain name certificate, power of attorney of the legal representative, or residence permit, etc.
8. After all the pictures are uploaded, submit them for review. If there are multiple filing information that need to be supplemented, you can scan other QR code information again after completing a supplement operation to conduct a new supplement operation.

After using the AliCloud app to the filing verification process, it saves users money, manpower, material resources and time by quickly filing. If you can use the app to file, you should try to use it.

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Article name: Alibaba Cloud APP Upload Data and Authenticity Verification Operation Process
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/16859.html
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