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Pagoda Panel 6. X Forgot How to Modify Login Password and Collection of Gadgets

How to modify the forgotten login password of the 6. X version of the pagoda panel Weieis Blog often encounters netizens who forget the login password of the server business website, the server root password, the panel login password, and even the background login password of the website. Some people simply unify these passwords into one, or make a simple and easy to remember password, which may lead to intrusion and other problems. Today, I would like to share with you how to modify the 6. X version of the pagoda panel after forgetting the login password.

Shared before Solution to Forgot Password on Pagoda Linux Panel It is applicable to versions prior to 6.0. At that time, the pagoda was a command line solution, not suitable for novices. In order to provide convenient solutions for everyone, the pagoda panel has provided a collection of command line gadgets since version 6. X, with a full Chinese interface, you can quickly solve many difficult problems by typing in a few numbers and pressing Enter. Make linux server easier to use.

Lao Wei suggested that the pagoda panel is suitable for novices and Xiaobai to build a website, and supports Linux and Windows systems, Click to go directly to the pagoda website Register an account and get a free professional edition gift package of ¥ 3188 (only 1188 yuan for permanent authorization of the professional edition). New users can enjoy a professional edition experience of 0.99 yuan for 7 days.
Recommended selection of pagoda panel Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud The server
For more information, see Special topic of pagoda panel
Click to view NetEase Cloud Classroom "Introduction to Pagoda Linux Panel for Novice"

1. Log in to the SSH software, enter bt, and send it to the command line for execution. You can see many executable commands.

If you want to change the panel password, enter the command number 5, and then enter the new panel password.

2. There are many other commands available. If you want to change the panel user name, enter 6 and enter. If you want to change the panel port, enter 8 and enter. If you forget the panel login entry, enter 14 and enter. Since the 6. X version has added a random entrance to the pagoda panel, some people were careless and didn't record it. They can't remember it afterwards. You can find it in this way.

3. The pagoda officially provides more practical functions for users, Click me directly On the official website of the pagoda panel, you can receive a coupon gift package of 3188 yuan from the pagoda official, and new users can enjoy a professional version of 0.99 yuan experience for one month.

The collection of gadgets added to the 6. X version of the pagoda panel is practical and considerate, providing users with very convenient and fast functions.

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Article name: "How to change the login password and set gadgets when forgetting the 6. X version of the pagoda panel"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/16482.html
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