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Alibaba Cloud All China Cloud Computing New Model Configuration Price Rules Entry level ECS 1 core 1G memory 1M bandwidth only 366 yuan/year

AliCloud cloud computing for all The event is a server promotional event held by Alibaba Cloud for a long time. It aims to popularize ECS products, so that more people can easily go to the cloud and enjoy the convenience of cloud computing. Since Alibaba Cloud has officially adjusted the model, configuration, rules, etc. of cloud computing for all, and new changes have taken place, the Weieis blog is also the first time to share with you to help you choose your own cloud server.

1、 AliCloud cloud computing activity model configuration price

There are two configurations: entry-level and performance balanced. New and old users who purchase ECS for the first time after real name authentication can enjoy 1-3 years of price concessions, with a limit of 1 order per person and a limit of 3 sets.

The active bandwidth is available in 1M and 2M options.

The entry-level configuration is cheap, and is mainly applicable to learning experience, testing code, and businesses that consume less resources. Those who do not know how to optimize the server and reduce system consumption should not be greedy. For details, please move to Alibaba Cloud t5 instance with burst performance should be carefully used for long-term site establishment and Windows remote desktop

Related articles: Alibaba Cloud burst performance t5 instance server configuration, price list and how to select

2. The performance balancing configuration is divided into 1 core 2G, 2 core 4G, and 4 core 8G:

Shared instances are competing for system resources. Personal blogs and small flow websites are very affordable; The network enhanced instance can enjoy the system resources alone. Both of them have no restrictions on CPU performance. Relatively speaking, the computing network enhanced instance has more powerful performance and higher cost performance, and is suitable for high traffic services and enterprise level services.

2、 Where has it been updated?

As can be seen from the above table, compared with the previous version, the shared xn4 instance 1-core 1G model has been canceled after the change. It may be that the sales situation of this configuration is not ideal, so it has been replaced by the shared n4 instance 1-core 2G model. In addition, 2-year payment and 3-year payment have been canceled for computing network enhanced instances, only 1-year payment.

No matter new or old users, as long as you have not bought ECS servers before, you can participate in this activity, which is very affordable.

Geographical options: North China 1 Qingdao, North China 2 Beijing, East China 1 Hangzhou, East China 2 Shanghai, South China 1 Shenzhen.

3、 Activity Rules

1. Participation threshold:
The participation of ECS initial purchase users is limited, that is, new and old users who have never purchased ECS products can purchase ECS products after qualified users complete real name authentication. Each member is limited to one purchase, and each user is limited to three. The ECS configuration specified on the current activity page is limited; Financial Cloud users cannot participate in the activity temporarily;
2. Configuration description:
The active configuration is upgraded to the fourth generation ECS. The entry-level configuration uses the burst performance t5 instance, and the performance balance configuration uses the n4 shared instance and the sn1ne and sn2ne network enhanced instance, with better cost performance; If the current page shows that the bandwidth does not meet the business needs, you can immediately upgrade and configure it on the console after you purchase it, and change whether you want to pay by month or by traffic.

3. Description of preferential exclusivity:
After participating in the activity, you cannot enjoy the discount if you refund and purchase again; The discount for cloud computing activities for all cannot be superimposed with other discounts, and cannot use vouchers;

4. Order Aging Description:
To ensure the fairness of the event, the preferential order will be automatically closed if payment is not completed within 8 hours. Please pay as soon as possible after placing the order;

5. Period of validity:
All people cloud computing is a long-term discount for Alibaba Cloud, which aims to enable more users to quickly go to the cloud and experience efficient and high-quality cloud computing technology and services. Please follow the instructions on the official website for the event's end time;

6. List of active product specifications: ① T5 1-core 1G, 1-core 2G, 2-core 4G ② n4 1-core 2G, 2-core 4G ③ sn1ne 2-core 4G, 4-core 8G, etc. For specifications not shown on the page, you can place an order from the normal ECS purchase page as long as you have visited this activity page.

7. About the example of burst performance:
① The burst performance t5 instance is based on the computing performance of the benchmark CPU. The integral value is obtained by the cumulative weight of the difference between the actual CPU utilization rate and the benchmark CPU utilization rate. When the CPU integral consumption reaches 0, the instance CPU performance is controlled to the benchmark operation;
② Burst performance instance t5 is applicable to non enterprise level light load scenarios that usually do not continue to use CPU under high pressure, such as web application servers, light load applications, microservices, development and test pressure test service applications, etc. It is not applicable to demand scenarios that have exceeded the performance "baseline" for a long time or enterprise computing performance demand scenarios. General g5 Computational c5 and other high-performance cloud servers.

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Article name: "Price rules for configuration of new models of AliCloud cloud computing for all people", entry-level cloud server, 1 core, 1G memory, 1M bandwidth, only 366 yuan/year
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/15924.html
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