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The detailed image and text process of Alicemail registration and purchase

How to purchase Alibaba enterprise mailbox Alibaba Email is a paid email created by Alibaba Cloud for enterprises. There have been qq and 163 mailboxes in China for many years, but Alibaba Mailbox has also occupied a considerable part of the market after years of efforts. This article explains in detail how to purchase Alibaba mailbox in the form of graphic process.

1、 If you don't have an AliCloud member, Click me to register With one account, you can also get an AliCloud 1000 yuan voucher to offset the purchase amount of AliCloud products. Remember to put the products you want to buy into the shopping cart one by one, and then you can enjoy the maximum discount when you pay together.

II Click me directly On the Alibaba mailbox page, there are five accounts starting from the standard version/600 yuan/year, 100 accounts starting from the group version/9500 yuan/year, and 10 accounts starting from the exclusive version/1400 yuan/year. Select the email version according to your needs.

Related content: Alibaba Cloud's enterprise mailbox is safe and stable. Five accounts can be trusted by millions of enterprises. It only costs 600 yuan/year

How can I buy Alibaba Cloud Enterprise Email Standard/Group/Exclusive at a preferential price?

3、 Take purchasing the standard version as an example

1. Select the required number of users (minimum 5 users for sale). For example, if you need to purchase 5 mailbox accounts, you can drag the slider or directly enter the number 5 in the text box;
2. Enter the domain name bound to the mailbox;
3. Select the purchase period;
4. After selecting, the system calculates the corresponding price of the product you selected, and click "Buy Now".

4、 If you purchase the group version mailbox

1. Select the required number of users (starting from 100 users). For example, if you need to purchase 100 mailbox accounts, you can drag the slider or directly enter the number 100 in the text box, and the number of account jump interval is 50;
2. Select the purchase period;
3. After selecting, the system calculates the corresponding price of the product you selected, and click "Buy Now".

5、 Confirm the email order to be purchased and check the service terms to pay.

6、 After successful payment, enter product management, To set the password of the mailbox administrator In the mailbox list, you can see the purchased Alibaba mailboxes, and you can renew or manage them on the far right.

After clicking Manage, you can see the reset password on the page and follow the prompts on the page.

The purchase process of AliMail is quite simple. Individuals, studios and small teams can also purchase and use it. The only thing to note is that you should choose the correct email type to purchase and use according to your specific business situation.

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Article name: The Detailed Image and Text Process of Alicemail Registration and Purchase
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/15589.html
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