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Pagoda Linux panel release version 3.6

Recently, the new star in the domestic linux panel: the pagoda panel (their official domain name is awesome) launched the latest Pagoda panel version 3.6 , added new functions and fixed some problems fed back by users. Welcome to download the update.

Weieis Blog's view on the panel is that, It is suitable for novices and friends who don't want to spend too much energy on the php environment The number of users of the pagoda panel in China is also very large. After all, not everyone is interested in knocking at the command line like Lao Wei. The visual operation of the pagoda panel is more suitable for rapid website building. We should spend more time and energy on organizing website content, Don't spend too much time building the php environment

If you want to use the pagoda panel to build a php environment, please Click me to get the relevant installation knowledge of the pagoda panel , we will continue to share knowledge and information about the pagoda panel later.

Lao Wei suggested that the pagoda panel is suitable for novices and Xiaobai to build a website, and supports Linux and Windows systems, Click to go directly to the pagoda website
Pagoda Linux Enterprise Edition Click Direct
Pagoda Linux Professional Click Direct
Pagoda Nginx firewall Click Direct
Pagoda Windows Enterprise Edition Click Direct
Rui Anxin DV SSL Certificate Click Direct
Recommended selection of pagoda panel Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud The server
For more information, see Special topic of pagoda panel
Click to view NetEase Cloud Classroom "Introduction to Pagoda Linux Panel for Novice"

Update log:
1. Add Task Queue Delete
2. Add the function of reactivating task queue
3. Fix that phpmyadmin cannot be accessed after Apache reinstallation
4. Correction directory selector
5. Optimization input verification
6. Other details optimization

Pagoda Linux panel version 3.6 is the latest stable version launched by Pagoda with more than two years of panel development experience and more than 100 versions of iterations. All modules are written in Python, which is more stable and secure. Pagoda Linux panel 3.6 can be installed in 2 minutes, and you can manage your server with one click.

Installation requirements:

Memory: above 128M, above 512M is recommended (pure panel accounts for about 10M of system memory)

Hard disk: more than 100M of available hard disk space (pure panel occupies about 20M of disk space)

System: only CentOS 6. x/7. x is supported temporarily (Ubuntu and Debian are not supported temporarily);

Ensure that the operating system is clean, and no Apache/Nginx/php/MySQL is installed in other environments

Linux panel 3.6 installation script:

yum install -y wget && wget -O install.sh https://download.bt.cn/install/install.sh && sh install.sh

Use the SSH connection tool and execute the commands in the box above to start the installation (about 2 minutes to complete the panel installation)

Standby node [Guangdong]:

yum install -y wget && wget -O install.sh && sh install.sh

Standby node [Hong Kong]:

yum install -y wget && wget -O install.sh && sh install.sh

Standby node [US]:

yum install -y wget && wget -O install.sh && sh install.sh

If it does not take effect after clicking Update, please try restarting the panel service:

service bt restart

The panel contains software:

Nginx1.8 – 1.10
PHP5.2 – 7.1 (optional during installation, supports coexistence of multiple versions, and zendloader is included in php7.0 and php7.1)
MySQL 5.5 – 5.7 (optional during installation)
WEB online panel

Panel features:

One click configuration of server environment (LANP/LNMP)
One click safe restart
One click creation of management website, ftp and database
One click configuration (regular backup, data import, pseudo static, 301, SSL, subdirectory, reverse proxy, and PHP version switching)
One click installation of common PHP extensions (fileinfo intl、opcache、imap、memcache、apc、redis、ioncube、imagick)
One click import and export of database
System monitoring (CPU, memory, disk IO, network IO)
Firewall port pass
SSH On/Off and SSH Port Change
It is forbidden to turn PING on or off
Convenient and efficient file manager (upload, download, compression, decompression, view, edit, etc.)
Scheduled tasks (regular backup, log cutting, shell script)
Software management (one click installation, uninstallation, version switching)

3.6 Updated content:

Add Task Queue Delete
Add the function of reactivating task queue
Fix that phpmyadmin cannot be accessed after Apache reinstallation
Correction directory selector
Optimization input verification
Other details optimization

The pagoda is growing constantly. For this reason, we will collect user feedback and suggestions, together with our team's constant thinking, process all the collected and found information into the pagoda panel, and release updates on every Wednesday. The updated content includes: bug repair, stability upgrade, user experience optimization, and new function addition.
In addition to the daily updates every Wednesday, when we find bugs related to security, we will repair them within 24 hours and immediately release updates. Because the pagoda panel is server software, we are very concerned about security.

What comments and suggestions do you have for this update? Welcome to leave a message below!

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Article name: Pagoda Linux Panel Release Version 3.6
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/1556.html
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