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Tencent Cloud Selected Cloud Products Instant Killing Activity AMD Server SA1/S2/S3 Server MySQL Cloud Database SMS and other preferential time limited rush purchase

Seconds killing activity of selected cloud products of Tencent Cloud Here we go. This activity has been in effect for a long time since April 15, 2019. It will be held twice a day (10:00, 14:00). Next, Weieis Blog will introduce the detailed activities.

Selected explosives area
618 Zhongshenghui Click to view the purchase
Selected preferential activities Click to view the purchase
Tencent Cloud Preferential Products Zone Click to view the purchase
Cross border e-commerce store server Lightweight application server
Tencent Cloud Animal Palu Game Server Click to view the purchase
For more Tencent Cloud content, please see Tencent Cloud

1、 Seckill activity

1、 Click me directly On the activity page, according to the current activity, the AMD ECS 1 core 1G memory 1M bandwidth configuration is the main model. The super low price of 230 yuan/year can hardly be cheaper. And this is an exclusive server. It is not Alibaba Cloud's low-cost burst performance instance. If you buy a CPU for more than 300 yuan/year, it is limited to less than 10%. After a period of time, the ECS will get stuck, which is not disturbing enough.

In addition, Tencent Cloud S2 and S3 instances with different configurations, such as 2-core 4G, 4-core 8G, and 8-core 16G, are randomly released at two seconds a day.

2. MySQL cloud database

Click me directly The activity page includes 1 core 1G memory 100G high-performance cloud disk, 1 core 2G memory 200G SSD disk, and 2 core 4G memory 400G SSD disk. It also randomly configures different cloud database models according to the situation.

Also popular cloud databases Click me directly Activity page, Redis 2G master and slave, MongoDB 4G memory 200G SSD disk, PostgreSQL 1-core 2G and other different database types.

3. Mass sending of Tencent cloud SMS Click me directly On the activity page, 1000 items cost 4.5 yuan, 10000 items cost 420 yuan, and 1 million items cost 32001 yuan. The price is relatively affordable.

Seckill products do not support returns; The purchased configuration is different from the region and the price is different; You cannot adjust the area after purchase.

Description of Seckill
The discount of seckill activity cannot be superimposed with other discounts, and cannot use vouchers;
If the order is not paid within 15 minutes, the order will automatically expire. Please pay as soon as possible after placing the order;
Some new users' exclusive goods can only be purchased by new users of Tencent Cloud (no order record or 0 total orders). Each account is limited to 1 set, which can be killed once at most. See the event page for specific product specifications;
The ECS in Hong Kong does not support the exchange of Linux and Windows systems when reinstalling the system;
After purchase, configuration reduction is not allowed, nor is it supported to upgrade before configuration reduction; The configuration upgrade and renewal shall follow the normal purchase process on the official website;
Seckill ECS does not support switching from bandwidth based billing to traffic based billing; The system disks included in the Seckill ECS configuration are high-performance cloud disks;
Seckill ECS standard optional bandwidth configuration includes 1Mbps and 5Mbps; If you need more bandwidth, please upgrade to the official website after purchasing the server on the activity page;
Security group: The active ECS/database does not configure a security group. You can use the ECS/cloud database console to create, view, update, and delete security groups, and manage security groups and security group rules.

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Article name: Tencent Cloud Selected Cloud Products Secondkill Activity AMD Server SA1/S2/S3 Server MySQL Cloud Database SMS and other preferential time limited rush purchase
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/15394.html
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