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Tencent Cloud provides website solutions for millions of large websites with daily average PV

The problems encountered by the daily average PV million large websites include: the downtime risk is unbearable, the huge traffic cannot be handled, the business decision is difficult to make, and the security protection is not comprehensive enough. Tencent Cloud is Daily average PV million large websites provide website solutions Exclusive privileges, Weieisi blog explains in detail for you.

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1、 Possible problems

The downtime risk is unbearable: large website business is huge, and short downtime will lead to serious consequences, affecting user experience, business processes and corporate reputation;

Unable to cope with the huge traffic: the number of customers is huge, and during the promotion of the Great Harmony Promotion, it is easy to generate an instantaneous surge in traffic, causing the website to get stuck or even collapse;

It is difficult to make business decisions: with the increase of business, it is more difficult to mine customer needs, so it is necessary to mine customer needs based on big data and make wise business decisions;

The security protection is not comprehensive enough: the website protection is relatively basic, vulnerable to network attacks and online fraud, and the cost of business security is high.

2、 Solution

Solution description: provide flexible, secure, stable and low-cost cloud computing solutions for large enterprises, help them calmly face various challenges such as business peak and security pressure, process and analyze user behavior in real time, quickly make changes and recommendations to applications, and stand out in the market competition.

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Solution advantages:
Cross regional deployment of remote disaster recovery to achieve zero downtime, access nearby, and optimize the user experience;
Intelligent operation and maintenance, three-dimensional cloud product data monitoring, accurate control of business health;
Super large bandwidth reserve, flexible response to promote super large traffic. Elastic scaling dynamically detects the load of the host cluster to ensure that the service works normally;
Smart and accurate analysis of big data, real-time processing and analysis of user behavior, rapid application changes and recommendations, and smart business decisions;
Comprehensive security protection, providing a full system of security products and services from hosts, networks to applications, so that businesses no longer fear security threats.

VIP customer service
When the cloud volume reaches a certain scale, you can enjoy the one-on-one service of Tencent cloud technical support team;
Escort service: a dedicated service guarantee team provides 7 × 24 hours remote service support for Tencent cloud related cloud products;
On site service: on site assistance to customers in sorting out and optimizing business architecture, on-site support for major events, and safety emergency response;
Migration service: customize the business migration cloud plan according to the customer's business situation, do business migration test verification, and assist the customer to complete the migration.

3、 Customer Stories

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Little Red Book has grown into the world's largest consumer word-of-mouth database and community e-commerce platform in just four years, and has become a necessary "shopping artifact" for young consumers. Tencent Cloud helps Xiaohongshu support its huge infrastructure, and its convenient service delivery speed enables Xiaohongshu to focus more on business growth.

WeChat stores have attracted nearly 70 million merchants so far, adding 2 stores every second on average, making them the fastest growing e-commerce company in the world. Through Tencent Cloud's stable and efficient computing capability, rapid CDN acceleration capability, reliable security assurance capability, etc., a perfect customer opening experience is built.

58 Tongcheng is the largest classified information website in China, covering all large and medium-sized cities, gathering a large number of personal and business information, and providing a large number of life services and tools. Tencent Cloud helps 58 local platforms to provide image services, information security, IDC room migration and other services, and create an "Internet+" technology ecosystem.

Tongcheng Travel is a leading online leisure travel service provider in China, providing tickets for nearly 10000 scenic spots, special fares, outbound travel, peripheral travel and hotel reservation services. With the help of Tencent's cloud flexibility and high-speed CDN, it is easy to cope with the sudden surge of traffic, improving the competitiveness of online travel services.

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Article name: Tencent Cloud provides website solutions for millions of large websites with daily average PV
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/15058.html
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