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How to use the pagoda panel website firewall?

Pagoda Panel Website Firewall How to use? The pagoda panel website firewall is a set of application layer firewall developed based on nginx/apache module, which can effectively prevent most penetration attacks, and provides a highly free rule customization function, adding an iron wall to the site. The main purpose is to prevent the site from being hung up at the source. At present, the pagoda website firewall has been used on the pagoda official website and official forum, with good results. Lao Wei shared it a while ago First experience of pagoda panel payment plug-in In this article, Weieis Blog shares the help for the use of the pagoda panel website firewall.

For most students, the Linux command line with white characters on a black background is enough to scare most people off. Fortunately, we have the pagoda panel, which is convenient and easy to use. However, there are malicious scanning, detection and attacks on the Internet every moment. And these attacks are all scanned according to IP segments. It can be said that as long as our ECS is on the public network, no one can avoid similar detections and attacks. So Lao Wei suggested that all students who plan to build a website and do business for a long time, but have no operation and maintenance ability, should consider using a website firewall. Old Wei has seen the firewall records of many people, and can say that there are countless kinds of detections and attacks. If we do not use a similar firewall, it is almost equivalent to running naked on the public network, allowing hackers to attack. Even if our business has some value, we should consider this matter in advance.

Related articles: First experience of pagoda panel payment plug-in

Official website of pagoda panel: Click me directly

1. The pagoda official will present a coupon gift package of 3188 yuan.

2. New users can enjoy a professional version of 0.99 yuan experience for one month.

Lao Wei suggested that the pagoda panel is suitable for novices and Xiaobai to build a website, and supports Linux and Windows systems, Click to go directly to the pagoda website Register an account and get a free professional edition gift package of ¥ 3188 (only 1188 yuan for permanent authorization of the professional edition). New users can enjoy a professional edition experience of 0.99 yuan for 7 days.
Recommended selection of pagoda panel Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud The server
For more information, see Special topic of pagoda panel
Click to view NetEase Cloud Classroom "Introduction to Pagoda Linux Panel for Novice"

1、 Where to install website firewall

Find the firewall in Pagoda Panel Management Background Software Management>>Pay Plug in. If you buy this function separately, the price is 19.8 yuan/month.

Select the corresponding firewall and install it according to the type of web server you use, Apache or nginx.

Pagoda website firewall relies on luaJIT components, and some nginx versions may need to be reinstalled before use.

2、 Nginx firewall settings

1. The following figure is the homepage interface. See the number of interceptions, the number of protection days, and the following classification and number of interceptions for each different attack. The data is very detailed.

Every time I come up, I can see how many malicious attacks have been intercepted. It can be seen that the firewall is working. For most Xiaobai students, it is still very reassuring.

2. Click Global Configuration to enter the rule base settings, including more than 10 different defense measures such as CC defense. It can effectively prevent most common malicious behaviors such as detection and attack on the network.

It can even ban foreign access, IP whitelist blacklist, spider pool, URL whitelist blacklist, and so on, which is full of functions.

Click the green update rule base button to update the firewall rule base from the cloud.

3. Click Site Configuration, which is used to configure a separate website firewall.

In site configuration, firewall rules can be configured for each site separately. If they are not configured, global configuration will be used by default.

The firewall of the pagoda panel is a site oriented rule application, which can turn off or turn on the protection function of a site independently. The highly free rule application allows users to edit and select whether a site uses this rule or not.

be careful: If you do not know regular expressions, please do not modify the rules of the firewall Remember!

In general, the pagoda panel firewall has done a good job in the security protection of ECS, including many common protection functions. It is especially suitable for new students who do not know operation and maintenance, and it is also very convenient. If you don't understand the rules in this regard, you can use the default settings. We can worry less about server security after starting. Compared with paying this fee, it is worth paying more attention to website operation.

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Article name: How to use the pagoda panel website firewall
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/14929.html
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