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The pagoda panel prompts that the SSL certificate is invalid/expired or issued to other websites

The group friend @ sam used the https domain name to open the website and prompted for an invalid SSL certificate. After a search on Weieis blog, the problem was solved. The use of CDN acceleration function makes our website visit faster and user experience better. Some new students did not understand and misunderstood the entire knowledge point when using AliCloud CDN, which led to the wrong opening of the website. Wei felt that this was also a mistake many students made when they first contacted CDN Acceleration, so he shared the solution process for your reference.

Official website of pagoda panel: Click me directly

1. The pagoda official will present a coupon gift package of 3188 yuan.

2. New users can enjoy a professional version of 0.99 yuan experience for one month.

Lao Wei suggested that the pagoda panel is suitable for novices and Xiaobai to build a website, and supports Linux and Windows systems, Click to go directly to the pagoda website
Pagoda Linux Enterprise Edition Click Direct
Pagoda Linux Professional Click Direct
Pagoda Nginx firewall Click Direct
Pagoda Windows Enterprise Edition Click Direct
Rui Anxin DV SSL Certificate Click Direct
Recommended selection of pagoda panel Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud The server
For more information, see Special topic of pagoda panel
Click to view NetEase Cloud Classroom "Introduction to Pagoda Linux Panel for Novice"

The error prompt is as follows:

Invalid certificate. The certificate of this website may have expired or was issued to another website. This problem may mean that someone is trying to intercept the data communication between you and the remote server. Please check whether the URL in the address bar is correct. Error code 113 (net:: ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH).

This new student uses AliCloud CDN+lightweight application server+pagoda panel to build a website. If you use ECS servers, this is also the solution, because the reason is the same.

Lao Wei checked the AliCloud CDN console>>Basic settings, and found that the CDN acceleration he set pointed to port 80, which was easily changed to port 443.

Tip: Port 80 is used for http access, and port 443 is used for https access.

Since you want to use https to open the website, you should use port 443. This is the first mistake made.

The most important thing is that Lao Wei took a look at the https configuration here. It was closed at that time, which means that he did not add the SSL certificate here. This is the second error he made. After telling him to purchase the https traffic of AliCloud CDN, Lao Wei added the https certificate.

Tip: AliCloud CDN acceleration traffic, http and https are purchased separately. In this article, the student only bought http traffic, not https traffic, and did not add SSL certificates.

Every CDN acceleration provider has different ways. For example, Tencent Cloud will send 10G of traffic (including http and https) for free every month, and will purchase traffic after exceeding the limit. Therefore, it should be treated differently according to different situations and used flexibly. As long as you understand the principle, no matter who uses the CDN, the operation steps are the same.

Remember to apply for an AliCloud free SSL certificate in advance, and then go to the certificate to deploy to the cloud product, and select CDN. Because they are all products of one company, they are automatically deployed immediately.

Wait a few minutes to check whether the certificate status in the https configuration is available. If it is normally available, open the website. Generally, you can jump to the https domain name to open it. This problem has been solved.

Finally, let's summarize that to implement an SSL certificate, both the CDN and the server must have the same content of the SSL certificate, that is, both sides must have a verification process, so that the SSL certificate can pass the verification and open the website smoothly. If, as in the beginning of this article, only the server side has an SSL certificate and the CDN side has not been added, a risk warning will appear, which is what new students should pay attention to.

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Article name: "The pagoda panel indicates that the SSL certificate is invalid/expired or issued to other websites"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/14821.html
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