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What are the charges for compliance protection level 2 and level 3 packages such as Alibaba Cloud?

Alibaba Cloud and other compliance level 2 and 3 fees How many? Alibaba Cloud and other compliance protection services are launched by Alibaba Cloud and are an important part of enterprise cloud security services. The difference between the second and third level of equal protection compliance is quite large. Different cloud security products involve different security levels. Naturally, there is a gap in the fees to be paid. Weieis blog will describe these contents in detail in this article.

Related articles: Alibaba Cloud and other compliant security solutions

1、 Alibaba Cloud and other compliance fees

1. Level 2 package fee

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Recommended products include ECS ECS, Web application firewall, security knight, SSL certificate, database audit, bastion machine, situation awareness, and cloud firewall.

Total configuration cost (one year): RMB 107528.30
Save ¥ 36669.70
Product discount ¥ 26669.70, full discount ¥ 10000.00

2. Level 3 package (basic) cost

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Recommended products: ECS cloud server, DDoS advanced anti DDoS IP, Web application firewall, SSL certificate, Anqi, cloud firewall, situation awareness, bastion machine, database audit.

Total configuration cost (one year): ¥ 309888.30
Save ¥ 95909.70
Product discount ¥ 65909.70, full discount ¥ 30000.00

3. Third level product package (enhanced)

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Recommended products for the package: new BGP advanced defense, security steward, website threat scanning system, web application firewall, Anqi, SSL certificate, cloud firewall, situation awareness, bastion machine, database audit.

Total configuration cost: RMB 455288.30
Save ¥ 290509.70
Product discount ¥ 240509.70, full discount ¥ 50000.00

4. Package Offer

A、 A new purchase (annual payment) of multiple products can enjoy full discount. Three or more of the following 11 products will be paid once a year for new purchase;
B、 Instant enjoyment: RMB 50000 less RMB 5000; Deduct 10000 when the amount reaches 100000 yuan; If it reaches 200000 yuan, reduce 20000 yuan; Deduct 30000 when the amount reaches 300000 yuan; If it reaches 400000 yuan, reduce 40000 yuan; Deduct 50000 if the amount reaches 500000 yuan; If it reaches 600000 yuan, reduce 60000 yuan; If it reaches 700000 yuan, reduce 70000 yuan; 800000 yuan less 80000 yuan; If it reaches 900000 yuan, 90000 yuan will be reduced; Deduct 100000 when the amount reaches 1 million yuan;
C、 Equal assurance compliance You can't buy separately and enjoy full discount. You must add the products in the package to the shopping cart and pay at the same time to enjoy
D、 It is cheaper and more preferential to buy once for three years.

5. Purchase method

Click me directly First select the equal protection level package. After you have selected it according to the business needs of the enterprise and the regulations of the superior, click the bottom to settle immediately and it will be added to the shopping cart. Remember that the ECS ECS selected additionally will also be added to the shopping cart. Click me to get it AliCloud vouchers can be used to offset the amount of AliCloud 150+products, saving money and worry. Finally, the shopping cart is used for one-time settlement and payment, so as to enjoy the most favorable price.

5. The package requires the following aspects

Network and communication security

It shall detect, prevent or limit the network attacks launched from outside at key network nodes;

It shall have security mechanisms such as communication transmission, border protection, intrusion prevention, etc;

It shall protect the security of ECS accounts and systems and prevent malicious code;

Equipment and computing security

The audit data of each control part shall be collected and centralized audit shall be realized;

It shall conduct identity authentication, access control and security audit for users;

Application and data security

It shall be able to identify, alarm and analyze various security events occurring in the network;

It shall meet the requirements of data integrity and data confidentiality;

Security management policy

The system should be regularly scanned for vulnerabilities, and the handling measures should be taken after vulnerabilities are found;

Security policies should be set, including defining access paths and selecting security components;

Measures shall be taken to identify security vulnerabilities and hidden dangers, and timely repair them after assessing the possible impact.

Alibaba Cloud platform has passed the qualification of Level 4 financial cloud and Level 3 public cloud. The high-level compliance of the platform significantly improves the tenant evaluation score. Cloud security can help all kinds of enterprises to ensure compliance quickly and painlessly. In Alibaba Cloud, you can enjoy one-stop security evaluation, including complete attack protection, data audit, data backup, encryption, and security management services. Thousands of customers have been helped to configure equal protection schemes.

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Article name: "How much are the charges for the Level II and Level III compliance insurance packages of Alibaba Cloud and others?"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/14712.html
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