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A 50% discount in the first Hi shopping season of Alibaba Cloud will be refunded when the consumption in the main venue reaches 3000 yuan, and the maximum refund will be 7500 yuan voucher

The limited time 50% discount event for Alibaba Cloud's Hi shopping season has officially started. The event was a huge one, and it was the first special event Alibaba Cloud held after the beginning of 2019. In this article, Weieis Blog introduces the main venue and relevant information.

Because the price of the event is not usually available, Lao Wei's opinion is that if you have a corresponding cloud product purchase plan from now to the middle of the year, you'd better take the opportunity of this event to purchase all products at one time. There will be no such store after passing this village. Only in the middle of the year will there be a large-scale discount event.

1、 Return after new purchase
During the period of 3.4-315, newly purchased and upgraded prepaid cloud products (within one year or less) will be returned when the consumption reaches 3000 yuan! The maximum refund is 7500 yuan voucher!

Activity page: Click me directly

Accumulated effective consumption amount is 3000-9999 yuan, 80% will be returned for every 1000 yuan
The accumulated effective consumption amount is 10000-29999 yuan, and 600 yuan will be returned for every 5000 yuan
The cumulative effective consumption amount is 30000 yuan and above, 750 yuan will be returned for every 5000 yuan, and the maximum is 7500 yuan

This full refund activity is still necessary. As long as the cumulative consumption amount reaches the above value, the voucher can be returned to offset the amount.

2、 Hot cloud products

A number of cloud products are of great value, as low as 50% off!

Activity page: Click me directly

OSS standard storage package is suitable for multimedia data storage such as pictures/audio and video, real-time data processing, and unlimited mass storage;
ECS burst performance t5 is a cost-effective choice, suitable for entry-level users, low load applications, and 10% benchmark CPU computing performance;
The ratio of ECS computing c5 CPU and memory is 1:2, which is suitable for high network packet sending and receiving scenarios, such as video bullet screen, telecom service forwarding, etc;
The ratio of ECS general g5 CPU and memory is 1:4, which is suitable for high network packet sending and receiving scenarios, such as video bullet screen, telecom service forwarding, etc;
ECS network enhanced ultra-high network PPS receiving and contracting capability is applicable to various enterprise applications;
The lightweight application server goes to the cloud with one click, and the visual panel is suitable for individual user website building or enterprise website building;
The SSL certificate implements the website HTTPS to prevent the website from hijacking, tampering, monitoring, and unified life cycle management;
MySQL is one of the most popular open source databases in the world, with high security level, high stability, and five times performance improvement;
The NAT gateway helps you build an access to public network traffic in the VPC environment, and flexibly use network resources through customized SNAT and DNAT rules;
The short message package can be used for verification code, short message notification and promotion of short messages, and it can be connected with the MIIT online platform in real time;
The maximum bandwidth of ApsaraDB for Redis dual replica 2G 16MByte is 80000, and the maximum number of connections is 80000;
The trademark registration is professional and focused, and the application can be submitted to the Trademark Office within one minute at the earliest;

3、 The event was divided into the following sub venues: basic cloud product sub venue, cloud communication sub venue, cloud security sub venue, domain name and trademark sub venue, SME sub venue, and developer sub venue.

Activity page: Click me directly

After entering the above page, you can see the corresponding link of each branch venue. The start time of the activity is different, and you can just go to see which point of interest you are interested in.

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Article name: "50% off in the first Hi shopping season of Alibaba Cloud when the consumption in the main venue reaches 3000 yuan, you can return up to 7500 yuan of vouchers"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/13946.html
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