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Alibaba Cloud's first Hi shopping season is limited to 50% off for general Internet packages/applets/e-commerce/games/user marketing/backup/live video on demand services

Alibaba Cloud's Hi shopping season is coming! As low as 50% off for the whole hall, you can enjoy a full return once you register, and you can return up to 7500 yuan of vouchers. In this article, Weieis Blog introduces the package combination of the general part of the Internet.

During the period of 3.4-315, newly purchased and upgraded prepaid cloud products (within one year or less) will be returned when the consumption reaches 3000 yuan! The maximum refund is 7500 yuan voucher!

1、 Common to the Internet

The general Internet package includes ECS network enhanced+cloud database RDS+load balancing SLB+AnKnight+object storage OSS+CDN/whole station acceleration resource package. According to the size of the website, it can be divided into basic version, upgraded version and advanced version.

The basic version is applicable to business scenarios applicable to PV1-5w and meets basic web business demands;

The upgraded version is applicable to the business scenario of PV5-20W to meet users' smoother access experience;

The advanced version is applicable to the business scenario of PV20-100W, which meets the requirements of smooth access and enhanced web security.

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Scenario Introduction
The highly available and reliable elastic computing service with acceleration products brings users the best access experience;
The natural high availability database without installation, operation and maintenance ensures that important data will not be lost;
The industry-leading "intelligent" WAF ensures that the business is not affected by malicious attacks

2、 Applet

The applet package includes ECS network enhanced, ApsaraDB Redis, SSL certificate, SLB, CDN/whole site acceleration resource package, and API gateway. According to business use scenarios, it can be divided into hot games, ready to use and ready to go, system access and other different types.

Hot games are suitable for high and hot door small game programs;
On the go serverless applet architecture is applicable to on the go serverless applet architecture;
The basic package that the system access meets the applet access conditions.

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Scenario Introduction
WeChat applets require that domain names and SSL certificates be provided. AliCloud SSL certificates are managed in a unified lifecycle and distributed to SLB load balancing in one click to simplify certificate deployment;
Real time game data is preferentially accessed on Alibaba Cloud Redis to improve user experience, and is regularly persisted to RDS

3、 E-Commerce General

The general e-commerce package includes cloud products such as ECS network enhanced, cloud database RDS, domestic general SMS package, SSL certificate, and Anqi. According to different quantity levels of business, it can be divided into basic version, upgraded version and advanced version.

The basic version is applicable to services with a user volume of less than 5w, meeting the scenarios of data transmission security and initial user touch;
The upgraded version is applicable to services with 5w-20w users, meeting the business demands of data transmission security and accelerated access;
The advanced version is applicable to services with 20w-100w users, and meets the business scenarios of second kill and web security.

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Scenario Introduction
The e-commerce platform was quickly built, and cloud products were upgraded and expanded at any time to deal with high emergency purchase and other transaction scenarios;
Professional security solutions protect e-commerce enterprises and ensure the stability and safety of business;
The product has efficient disaster recovery, load balancing eliminates single points of failure, and cloud database is highly available to ensure the security and reliability of enterprise data

4、 Game Universal

The general game package includes ECS high frequency, cloud database RDS, cloud database MongoDB, SCDN basic version package, and identity authentication (two elements). According to business needs

The basic version is applicable to the primary game business scenarios that require both advanced defense and CDN;
The upgraded version is applicable to business changing during the growth period of both advanced anti DDoS and CDN demand;
The advanced version is applicable to game business scenarios with security requirements and a large number of game material distribution requirements.

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Scenario Introduction
SCDN meets the simultaneous needs of advanced anti DDoS IP and CDN in the scenario where static and dynamic are not separated;
Multi replica MongoDB meets high qps access of unstructured data such as location information;
Identity authentication products help you meet the requirements of juvenile anti addiction system

5、 Common to user marketing

User marketing general package includes domestic general SMS package, mobile push, email push, and number authentication service package. There are three versions according to the number of users.

The basic version is applicable to the user touch scenario business with a user volume of less than 1w;
The upgraded version is applicable to the scenario business of 1w-8w users;
The advanced version is applicable to 5w-50w user touch scenario services.

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Scenario Introduction
SMS, APP and email reach customers in all directions;
Number authentication gives customers a new authentication experience;
AliCloud exclusive channel, flexible content and various scenarios

6、 Backup Common

The general backup package includes object storage OSS, database backup DBS, hybrid cloud backup client nodes, and hybrid cloud backup inventory capacity. There are three different versions according to the number of servers.

The basic version is applicable to 5 application servers and needs to back up 500GB of data, which is applicable to the business of 40GB of backup data per month;
The upgraded version is applicable to 10 application servers, with 1TB of data to be backed up, and is applicable to businesses with 40GB of data to be backed up every month;
The advanced version is applicable to 20 application servers, requiring 5TB of backup data, and is applicable to businesses with 800GB of backup data per month.

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Scenario Introduction
Hybrid cloud backup can backup enterprise data center data, branch office data, or cloud resource data to the cloud backup warehouse of hybrid cloud backup;
DBS supports database backup for multiple environments. Full database backup, incremental database backup, and data recovery can be achieved through simple configuration.

7、 Live video service

The live video service includes ECS network enhanced, RDS, live video traffic package, content security, Redis, and live video standard transcoding package.

The basic version of the basic live broadcast must have a 100-2000 concurrent package;
The traffic load of the upgraded version is distributed intelligently to deal with large traffic, with 1000-10000 concurrent;
Advanced version can withstand higher traffic and defend against traffic attacks, with 5000-10000 concurrent

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Scenario Introduction
Based on Alibaba Cloud high-quality CDN services;
Integrate the necessary resources of live broadcasting business;
Provide efficient and smooth live broadcast experience
8、 VoD service basic version basic on-demand essential package, 100-2000 concurrent;
The traffic load of the upgraded version is distributed intelligently to deal with large traffic, with 1000-10000 concurrent;
Advanced version traffic load intelligent distribution, dealing with large traffic, 5000-10000 concurrent
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Scenario Introduction
Based on Alibaba Cloud high-quality CDN services;
Integrate the necessary resources of on-demand service;
It can be seen from the above introduction that the activities in this branch venue are all for large traffic business. If you need it, you can click the direct link to see it, which can save a lot of money.
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Article name: "Alibaba Cloud's first Hi shopping season is limited to 50% off Internet general package/applet/e-commerce general/game general/user marketing general/backup general/live video on demand service"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/13917.html
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