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Pagoda Panel V6.0 Installation Graphic and Text Tutorial is suitable for novice Linux site building

Pagoda Panel 6.0 is a new server php environment package launched by Pagoda Panel. The official rewrite of all the code has improved the performance and running speed compared with the previous 5.9 version. If you haven't used version 6.0 before, Weiaisi Blog recommends using this new version. It is much better for free, not to mention performance. There are some new features that are not available in version 5.9. This article is Pagoda panel 6.0 installation Graphic text tutorial.

More related tutorials: Pagoda Panel 5.9 Installation Detailed Graphic and Text Tutorial

For beginners, if you want to use the Linux server to build a website, the first choice is the pagoda panel. It is easy to learn, convenient and fast. A complete website is built in one hour. So easy! It is really easy to use, so it is recommended to new students.

Lao Wei suggested that the pagoda panel is suitable for novices and Xiaobai to build a website, and supports Linux and Windows systems, Click to go directly to the pagoda website Register an account and get a free professional edition gift package of ¥ 3188 (only 1188 yuan for permanent authorization of the professional edition). New users can enjoy a professional edition experience of 0.99 yuan for 7 days.
Recommended selection of pagoda panel Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud The server
For more information, see Special topic of pagoda panel
Click to view NetEase Cloud Classroom "Introduction to Pagoda Linux Panel for Novice"

1、 Domestic cloud servers suitable for building pagoda panels

Alibaba Cloud servers are preferred when domestic ECS is used to build websites and projects. The national cloud computing activities are divided into two types: entry-level configuration and balanced performance configuration. Entry level configuration mainly includes burst performance instances (10% - 15% baseline performance), and balanced performance configuration mainly includes shared and network enhanced instances.

1. The entry level configuration is divided into three different configurations: 1 core 1G, 1 core 2G, and 2 core 4G;

The balanced performance configuration is divided into 1 core 1G, 1 core 2G, 2 core 4G, and 4 core 8G. Both are 40G system disks.

2. Tencent ECS is more cost-effective than Alibaba Cloud Server. ECS with the same configuration is much cheaper than Alibaba Cloud.

The price is the same in Guangzhou/Shanghai/Beijing. The standard S2 model is 2659.5 yuan/year. The maximum network receiving and sending capacity is 500000 PPS, and the intranet bandwidth capacity is 15000 Gbps.

Selected explosives area
618 Zhongshenghui Click to view the purchase
Selected preferential activities Click to view the purchase
Tencent Cloud Preferential Products Zone Click to view the purchase
Cross border e-commerce store server Lightweight application server
Tencent Cloud Animal Palu Game Server Click to view the purchase
For more Tencent Cloud content, please see Tencent Cloud

Computational instances have the highest single core computing performance. It is suitable for batch processing, high-performance computing, large game servers and other computing intensive applications.

Let's talk about how to choose these different models of Alibaba Cloud.

If you are a new student and buy to learn Linux to build a website, you can buy a 1-core 1G memory 1M bandwidth model of t5 instance with burst performance, which is cheap and easy to use.

If you are an old student who knows how to set up server operation and maintenance, you can consider using the t5 instance with burst performance; If you don't know about server operation and maintenance, and only want to operate the website with one mind, and don't want to waste too much energy on the server, then choose shared instances or computing network enhanced instances.

How to select regions?

1. The computer room nearest to the user is preferred.

2. If the users are all over the country, you can choose either East China Hangzhou or North China Beijing.

How to select a zone?

For example, the availability zone refers to the East China 1 Hangzhou machine room. There are 8 available machine rooms in Hangzhou, named A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. The earlier a website comes in, the earlier it will be assigned to zone A, and when all of A's machines are sold out, the next zone B will be opened in advance, and so on. So does it mean that the more the machine room in the back of the zone, the newer and faster the machine? Of course not. Machine updates, system updates and software updates are synchronized in all computer rooms.

However, there is a problem that the more backward the computer room is, the more free network bandwidth will be. Compared with the computer room in the front, it will be a little looser. Of course, if you buy 1M bandwidth, you can only use 1M bandwidth. No amount of idle bandwidth will be allocated to you.

So it is difficult for many students to choose a zone. If they are lucky enough, you don't know who the other "neighbors" of the same hen are and how they will bother the server. So the choice here is not too painstaking. As long as you do a good job of website content, there will naturally be traffic.

2、 Installation requirements

1. Installation requirements:
Memory: 512M or more, 768M or more is recommended (pure panel accounts for about 60M of system memory)
Hard disk: more than 100M of available hard disk space (pure panel occupies about 20M of disk space)
System: CentOS 7.1+(Ubuntu 16.04+., Debian 9.0+), ensure it is a clean operating system, and no Apache/Nginx/php/MySQL with other environments has been installed (existing environments cannot be installed)

Pagoda Linux version 6.0 is developed based on centos7. Be sure to use the centos7. x system

2. Open the port in advance, and it cannot be used without opening it

Alibaba Cloud: Alibaba Cloud ECS installed the pagoda but could not access the panel

Tencent Cloud: The security group of the newly purchased Tencent virtual machine is not released, which makes the website and database inaccessible

Huawei Cloud: Huawei Cloud Security Group Port Release Tutorial

3. Install Upgrade Command

Linux panel 6.8 installation command:
yum install -y wget && wget -O install.sh http://download.bt.cn/install/install_6.0.sh && bash install.sh

Linux panel 6.8 upgrade command:
curl http://download.bt.cn/install/update6.sh |bash

4. How to install with the installation command

A、 Use the SSH client to install. One command will do it. Xshell software: How to download, install and use SSH software

B、 Use the remote connection provided by Alibaba Cloud. Click me to open On the Alibaba Cloud server management console, find the instance you bought, and click Remote Connection on the far right.

You will be given a remote connection password. It is required to enter this password every time you initiate a remote connection through the web page, so you should record it locally. If you forget, you can't continue the remote connection.

Tip: If there is a send remote command>>connect remote connection on the left side of the page after the connection is lost, you can reconnect.

Click the copy command input in the upper right corner of the page, throw the installation command into the pop-up window, and press Enter to start the installation process.

When white words appear on a black background, enter to execute the command. The SSH client copies and pastes the same command to execute the command.

When you see the prompt that requires your confirmation, enter y and press Enter to start the installation process.

Wait about 1 minute to see the following prompt: configurations! installed successfully! It indicates that the installation is successful.

Record and save Bt Panel, username and password on the local computer. These are the login address and account password of the panel.

Then use the browser to open the login address of the pagoda panel, log in and start building the site.

At present, the code of pagoda panel above 6.0 has been rewritten, which is different from that below 5.9. If you upgrade directly from version 5.9, it may cause some unnecessary problems. There are certain risks in upgrading. Please upgrade the production environment carefully.

The above is the installation process of Pagoda Panel 6.0 in the Linux server. With the Pagoda Panel, new students can easily build a website.

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Article name: Pagoda Panel 6.0 Installation Graphic Tutorial is suitable for novice Linux site building
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/13829.html
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