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Tencent Cloud CDN intelligent compression reduces the size of transmission content, saves costs and accelerates websites

Tencent Cloud CDN has always been easy to use, and for each account to send 10G of free traffic every month, Weieis Blog recently found a new one Tencent Cloud CDN intelligent compression Function of. It is officially announced that after intelligent compression is enabled, CDN will perform GZIP and Brotli compression on resources according to the set rules when returning content, effectively reducing the size of the transmitted content and saving the cost. In this article, Weieis blog briefly introduces this function.

1. Where is intelligent compression

Click me to log in Tencent Cloud, enter the Tencent Cloud CDN console, find the domain name to be set in the domain name management on the left, and click Management on the right. The intelligent compression function can be seen at the bottom of the advanced configuration.

2. How to set

The setting method is actually very simple. Considering that gzip is not enabled in some PHP environments, the intelligent compression function is enabled by default. Because the screenshots are very small, Lao Wei put the two screenshots together for viewing.

Click Edit to enter the page. In addition to the default file type of js html css xml json shtml htm, you can manually add jpg png and other image formats to the compressed object.

The supported compressed file range is 0 – 30MB.

The supported compression methods are GZIP compression and GZIP+Brotli compression. You can choose both if you want.

3. The function of intelligent compression is better for those source stations without gzip compression in the environment. If gzip compression is enabled by default in your server environment, Wei consulted Tencent Cloud customer service and replied that if both sides enable gzip compression, there will be conflicts. Then please turn off the intelligent compression manually.

That is, if the origin supports gzip compression. When CDN intelligent compression is not enabled, access hit cache or back to source will be compressed. The node will inherit the source site's compressed fields, which can be safely closed.

In general, this function is prepared for the server environment where the source station does not enable gzip. For example, pagoda panel, military brother lnmp, oneinstock, WDCP, and AMH should all enable gzip by default. If you have friends who use Tencent Cloud CDN, you can manually turn off the intelligent compression function.

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Article name: Tencent Cloud CDN Intelligent Compression Reduces the Size of Transmission Content, Saves Cost and Accelerates Website
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/13717.html
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