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OneinStack automatic installation mode experience

OneinStack is a php panel developed by Chinese. Compared with the military brother lnmp, OneinStack has more functions, higher update frequency, and is very convenient to use. Weieis Blog introduced it a long time ago Interactive installation of OneinStack What I want to say today is OneinStack automatic installation mode The experience process of.

The command line php panels that are popular in China include military brother lnmp and OneinStack. The command line is a form of operation that directly blocks a large number of novices. In order to make it convenient for everyone to use and let more friends use the convenient php panel, OneinStack introduced the automatic installation mode. Now follow Lao Wei to experience it.

Click Auto Install on OneinStack website to see the following figure and start selecting.

1. These are some common configurations that Lao Wei has chosen. What you see is what you get.

Install nginx, install the php version and cache, install the php extension, and also install the second php, install the database, select the version, randomly generate the password, and install the method. The ssh port can be randomly generated and finally restarted after installation.


2. Click the big blue button to copy successfully. You can go to the SSH client to paste and execute the command. The installation process does not require manual participation, which is much simpler than the interactive mode.

Well, it is so simple that you can install OneinStack.

3. What is the difference between automatic mode and interactive mode?

OneinStack supports both interactive installation mode and automatic installation mode. The interactive mode is to enter the installation command on the SSH client, select step by step (repeat the y and n keyboard input), and then install. It has always been the installation mode used by the php panel. It's very wordy, especially time-consuming. The automatic mode is to select the required components and generate one click installation commands, which is relatively simple. The installation environments of the two modes are the same, and there is no difference in performance, only the installation modes are different. However, it is strongly recommended to use automatic mode to save time and trouble.

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Article name: OneinStack Automatic Installation Mode Experience
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/13373.html
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