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Why are the prices of servers in different regions of Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud different? How to choose?

There are always netizens who have questions about the price gap of domestic regional servers and ask why Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud The price of servers in different regions is different And how to choose. There is indeed a gap in the price of servers in different regions of China, and the gap is not small to some extent. As an old driver, Weiaisi Blog felt it necessary to summarize and share this knowledge with everyone.

1、 Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud Geographical Division

Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud are two major cloud product businesses in China, accounting for most of the domestic cloud product market. Let's talk about the regions of these two countries in detail. We only talk about public cloud regions (anyone can buy them). Private cloud regions are not sold to the public (only the government and enterprises that sign the contract).

Alibaba Cloud Mainland public cloud regions include:

North China 1 Qingdao, North China 2 Beijing, North China 3 Zhangjiakou, North China 5 Hohhot;

East China 1 Hangzhou, East China 2 Shanghai;

South China 1 Shenzhen;

The public cloud regions of Tencent Cloud Mainland include Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqing and Chengdu.

The above is the region where Alibaba Cloud Tencent cloud machine rooms can be bought by anyone. Even if these regions are different, the final price will be different.

2、 Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud's mystery of different regions and prices

Lao Wei once asked Alibaba Cloud customer service about this kind of problem with a work order, and the official replied that the instance costs are different in different regions, and the specific factors cannot be told. In fact, as far as Lao Wei's personal understanding is concerned, it is probably the sum of the rich Internet resources in the region, the cost of self built computer rooms, network line rental costs, labor costs, and miscellaneous expenses. Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou must be more expensive than Chengdu, Chongqing, Zhangjiakou, and Qingdao. Finally, there will be a gap in the final price when the cost difference is transmitted.

Take the network line rental fees for example. Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud defaults to BGP three line access, that is, China Telecom, China Unicom and China Mobile. The rental price of 100M BGP line is also higher in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou than in other cities. The salary of computer room maintenance personnel in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou is also much more expensive than that in other cities.

In short, these factors add up, so there are different prices in different regions, which is easy to understand. Of course, there are trade secrets involved, and the merchants will not tell you what the costs are and what percentage they account for. We analyze these factors by ourselves.

3、 How to select suitable regions

Distance produces beauty and delay. The so-called delay is the waiting time for pinging the server IP and getting feedback, which is calculated in milliseconds. If your user group is located in the whole country, consider Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Give priority to Beijing node, Hangzhou node and Guangzhou node. If you don't care about the domestic region, all nodes except Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou will have certain price concessions. In particular, the price of Tencent Cloud's Chengdu node is the cheapest, and the price of Chongqing node is not too far away from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. If it is combined with Tencent Cloud AMD host, the Chengdu node is the cheapest. If you are interested, please move to Tencent Cloud AMD CPU ECS is the first one core 1G/600 yuan/3 years

4、 Alibaba Cloud Tencent ECS

1. AliCloud cloud computing for all

It is the most cost-effective activity of Alibaba Cloud at present. New users can enjoy the lowest price only once. What about regular users? Please move How to participate in AliCloud activities for regular users , there are secrets in it.

The above two activities require new users who have not purchased Alibaba Cloud products to participate. In fact, there are ways for old users to participate, just a little "activity". Specific reference Alibaba Cloud veteran user participation method As mentioned in.

2. AliCloud voucher

It is a coupon issued by Alibaba Cloud officials for everyone to quickly go to the cloud as soon as possible. At present, it includes various face value coupons worth 1888 yuan. Alibaba Cloud voucher 1888 yuan limited time red envelope free of charge! Get a red envelope for a limited time to buy Alibaba Cloud products. It is recommended to use the "shopping cart" to purchase more than 100 products with a prepaid fee. The maximum amount of instant credit is ¥ 1888, and new customers can enjoy a full instant credit of ¥ 5000. Lao Wei recommends using shopping carts and annual payment methods to offer more discounts and save more money. For example, Alibaba Cloud ECS servers can be purchased at a discount of 30% for five years, 50% for three years, 70% for two years, and 8.5% for one year. The more years you buy, the more money you can save. At the same time, the ECS server, cloud database and object storage are put into the shopping cart to pay together, so more vouchers can be used to save more money.

Coupon collection address: Click me to get it immediately

Please move to Detailed process of free collection and use of AliCloud vouchers

3. AliCloud shopping cart saves money

It is a shopping tool on AliCloud's official website. You can save money by using AliCloud shopping carts. We buy AliCloud products individually, and you can save the most money by using AliCloud shopping carts. Please move to specific steps Alibaba Cloud Shopping Cart Money Saving Strategy

4. Tencent Cloud Three fold Event

Selected explosives area
Selected preferential activities Click to view the purchase
Tencent Cloud Preferential Products Zone Click to view the purchase
Cross border e-commerce store server Lightweight application server
Tencent Cloud Animal Palu Game Server Click to view the purchase
For more Tencent Cloud content, please see Tencent Cloud
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Article name: Why is the price difference between Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud servers in different regions in China? How to choose
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/13304.html
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