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How can AliCloud vouchers open ECS and cloud databases?

How can AliCloud vouchers open ECS and cloud databases? Sometimes we buy or someone else gives AliCloud a voucher, which can be used to activate ECS or other cloud products, but we have never used it before. Previously written Tutorial of AliCloud voucher , the content is relatively simple. Weiaisi Blog just got two AliCloud vouchers, one is the ECS and the other is the cloud database. Here we will explain how AliCloud vouchers can be used to open the ECS and cloud database.

1、 Where are AliCloud vouchers

Log in to the Alibaba Cloud management background, find the expense center, and you can see the voucher management.

2、 Activate AliCloud server voucher

Find the AliCloud server voucher to be activated in the voucher management. There are two options: transfer and use. Transfer is used to transfer the voucher to another AliCloud account. Click Use to see the following figure.

Select the region and availability zone. Please refer to What are the differences between AliCloud regions and zones? How to choose?

Operating system: Linux and Windows, you can consider choosing the centos in Linux. The current version is 7.4, and do not use the latest version.

The network type does not need to be set.

Check the terms of service, and finally click "Activate Now". Wait a few minutes for the server to be allocated and configured.

In this process, you do not know the initial password of ECS, so you need to set it manually. Click More>>Password/Key>>Reset Instance Password on the right side of the server.

After changing the password, restart the server to take effect.

3、 Activate AliCloud database voucher

Similarly, find the corresponding database bill of lading in the bill of lading management, and click Use to see the following figure:

Because they are fixed configurations, you can only select regions and availability zones.

After checking the service agreement, click Activate Now.

4、 Alibaba Cloud host promotional activities

AliCloud host is the number one merchant of domestic ECS. Similarly, ECS is also deployed in foreign regions, which also maintains the high stability and speed of Alibaba Cloud servers.

The performance balance configuration is divided into 1 core 1G, 1 core 2G, 2 core 4G, and 4 core 8G. It is recommended to choose a 2-core 4G memory 2M bandwidth package for foreign multi site use, which is easy to use and has the highest cost performance ratio.

Performance balancing configuration, unlimited CPU performance, higher cost performance
Share basic xn4 instance Shared computing n4 instance Computing Network Enhanced Instance Computing Network Enhanced Instance
1-core 1G 40G system disk 1-core 2G 40G system disk 2-core 4G 40G system disk 4-core 8G 40G system disk
394 yuan/1 year 788 yuan/2 years 1182 yuan/3 years 653 yuan/year 1306 yuan/year 1959 yuan/year 1566 yuan/year 3132 yuan/year 4698 yuan/year 2991 yuan/1 year 5582 yuan/2 years 7975 yuan/3 years
Click me to buy Click me to buy Click me to buy Click me to buy

If you want to buy Alibaba Cloud products, first Click me to get AliCloud vouchers The purchase of AliCloud 150+cloud products has different degrees of discount, which means that this voucher can be used as money to offset some expenses.

In general, AliCloud vouchers are not troublesome to open ECS and cloud databases. You can use them by selecting regions, zones and appropriate configurations. If you can't use it yourself, you can also sell it to others. This function is very considerate.

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Article name: How to open ECS and cloud database with AliCloud vouchers
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/13277.html
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