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How to purchase and set the AliCloud All Site Accelerated DCDN

AliCloud Global Acceleration DCDN It is a dynamic and static intelligent acceleration product launched by Alibaba Cloud to accelerate website business access. This is an Alibaba Cloud self-developed product that many friends have not contacted, so they do not understand how to purchase an Alibaba Cloud full site accelerated DCDN. This article is a purchase selection and setup tutorial shared by Weieis blog for your reference.

I wrote a similar article before, please move to What is the difference between AliCloud's whole site acceleration DCDN and CDN acceleration? How to select The content can be used as an extension and reference of this article.

1、 AliCloud Global Acceleration DCDN

Official website: Click me directly

Click me to get it Alibaba Cloud 1000 yuan voucher gift package, purchase more than 100 Alibaba Cloud products, and deduct from 50 yuan. You can save money when using vouchers to purchase Alibaba Cloud products, and then throw all products into the shopping cart for one-time payment. You can also enjoy more and larger vouchers.

2、 Select purchase process

1. Click the above official website to enter the website for accelerating DCDN opening. There are several options, including billing by fixed bandwidth or traffic usage, and billing by websocket traffic or websocket bandwidth. You can choose according to the actual business situation.

The whole station accelerated billing includes two parts: network traffic (or bandwidth)+requests

How to choose these two billing methods?

If the bandwidth curve before your business is relatively stable, without too much fluctuation (can be approximately regarded as a straight line), and the traffic volume is large, then the peak bandwidth is appropriate.
However, if the business scope is mall type, and the traffic volume is high during the noon break and after work at night, and the traffic volume is low in the rest of the time, it will be expensive to charge according to the highest peak, which is not suitable for peak bandwidth billing. In this case, it is more cost-effective to charge according to the traffic. It costs less when the traffic is high and less when the traffic is low.

You can also follow the price list in the official help( Click me directly )In combination with the business flow, you can figure out which is cost-effective.

Network traffic (or bandwidth) includes two billing methods: billing by traffic or billing by daily bandwidth peak.
The number of requests refers to the number of dynamic HTTP requests, dynamic HTTPS requests and static HTTPS requests. There are two payment methods: post payment and pre payment. The fee includes: dynamic request billing. If HTTPS acceleration is enabled, it also includes HTTPS request billing, which is post paid.
If you know the business flow well, you can buy the resource package in advance. The official link is: Click me directly
Tip: The resource package is only applicable to prepaid charges based on traffic. If the current billing type is bandwidth peak, the traffic packet margin will be frozen until the switch back to pay by traffic.

2. Add acceleration domain name

choice Domain name management , click Add domain name
Fill in the basic information of the acceleration domain name, and enter the acceleration domain name and origin. Click Next to finish adding the domain name. It supports extensive domain name acceleration and is very powerful.
After the accelerated domain name is approved, it can be viewed in the domain name list of domain name management. If the status is normal, the addition is successful.

3. Configure CNAME to make the service effective

If you want to use the whole site acceleration service, you need to add a CNAME record and point the acceleration domain name to the CNAME address provided by Alibaba Cloud, so that requests for access to the acceleration domain name can be forwarded to the CDN node to achieve acceleration. To configure CNAME, you need to go to the place where you purchased the domain name. Copy the CNAME value corresponding to the acceleration domain name in the domain name list in the domain name management of the whole site acceleration console, and then add it to your domain name resolution. The whole site acceleration service will take effect immediately after the CNAME configuration takes effect.

How to verify whether it is effective? After the CNAME is configured, different DNS service providers' CNAME takes effect at different times. You can ping or dig the added acceleration domain name. If you are redirected to *. * kunlun *. com, it means that the CNAME configuration has taken effect and the whole station acceleration service has also taken effect.

The above is the process of accelerating the purchase and setting of DCDN in Alibaba Cloud's entire site. Lao Wei roughly calculated that neither bandwidth nor traffic based billing can afford the cost of our ordinary blogs and businesses. So this cloud product is for some medium and large businesses. For more official help, please Click me directly Learn more.

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Article name: How to purchase and set up Alibaba Cloud All Site Accelerated DCDN
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/13068.html
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