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The first experience of phpEnv's elegant and powerful PHP integrated environment installation

I accidentally learned from netizens that a php integration panel under Windows, called phpEnv, is an elegant and powerful php integration environment. After reviewing the official website, we found that phpEnv is mainly used in the local Windows system as a development environment, but it can also be used in the production environment, according to the official. Weiaisi Blog will use this article to install and experience this panel.

Before installation, be sure to delete the existing php panel of the machine and clean up the residual garbage files, otherwise unexpected errors may occur.

The main features of phpEnv are elegant and powerful, simple and beautiful interface, support for Apache, Nginx and IIS, built-in Redis and Composer, and php fpm under Windows Nginx.

It supports coexistence of different PHP versions, powerful site management, and one click generation of hosts.

Support customized php version and mysql version.

The powerful cmd command line eliminates the need for you to configure cumbersome environment variables.

Various convenient tools, such as editing hosts, TCP port list, HideSQL, MySQL password changing tools, etc.

1. Because the netizen could not start MySQL after using the English panel in error, someone reminded you to try the domestic panel of phpEnv. Old Wei went to download the panel. At present, it is version 5.0, and the size of the installation program is about 75M. After the installation starts, the system will be automatically detected. If there is a lack of. net, download and install it according to the prompts.

2. The installation process will automatically open Microsoft's. net page download program and start the installation. Here is a prompt for friends who have installed 360 Guard, computer butler and other software. Note: A pop-up window will prompt security risks. Please select Allow to run and install, otherwise. net cannot be installed successfully.

3. After the. net installation is successful, rerun the phpEnv installation program. By default, all program files and environment files are stored in the C: phpEnv folder. It is important to close all other programs in advance, because the operating system will restart automatically without any prompt after the program is installed. Old Wei felt that there was a lack of prompt here. I wrote an article while operating. As a result, the browser was forced to close, and the written text was lost. It is strongly recommended that the author add a tip. After the user has saved various documents, click OK to restart the computer.

After installation, it will automatically update to the latest version according to the prompts.

4. Open the main program interface as shown below. It's really a simple operation interface, giving you a refreshing feeling.

The main interface is easy to understand. You can start the service, open the website home page, restart the service, etc. Above is the corresponding menu bar. Manage php, apache, nginx, MySQL and other software. Support customized php version and mysql version. Support coexistence of different PHP versions, powerful site management, and one click generation of hosts. It also provides tools for editing hosts, TCP port list, HideSQL, MySQL password changing tools, etc.

5. The key point here is that Lao Wei found a defect in his experience: IIS cannot be installed automatically. Unable to detect the current system and automatically match and download IIS for installation. This is a big problem for a php panel used under Windows. Someone is always running asp and php programs with iis.

Lao Wei remembered that in the era of Windows XP, the local testing website had to install the iis components first. The windows I use are ghost versions. When I install iis, I will be prompted. If I lack this DLL file or that component, sometimes I will pop up several file prompts. Even if you install the first one, I will pop up several more prompts. It is very annoying.

The pagoda windows panel can automatically detect the current operating system and download and install the iis components without prompting, and everything is done in the background. This function is a magic tool for both novices and veterans. If you install iis yourself, you may not be able to solve the problem at once. If you encounter problems in the process, you don't know how to deal with them.

6. You can use Apache directly to run php programs, which is much faster than iis. This panel is quite simple to use, and the operation is not complicated at all.

7. If you don't want to use it, go to the installation folder to find the uninstaller unins000.exe and execute it. All the programs will be deleted cleanly. If there are several remaining files, just delete the folder directly. A very green software.

Finally, we conclude that this phpEnv environment package has a clean interface and many functions. The author also said that it is mainly used for local testing. At present, Lao Wei believes that the corresponding functions of iis automatic detection and installation need to be added. I hope the author can work hard on this next step and make persistent efforts.

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Article name: The First Experience of the Installation of phpEnv's Elegant and Powerful PHP Integrated Environment
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/12889.html
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