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WordPress 5.0 Disabling Gutenberg Editor and Using Classic Editor Back

Since the release of WordPress version 5.0, the Gutenberg editor (Gutenberg) has been the most complained about. They all said that they were not used to it and did not like the operation of this new version of the editor. If you want to go back to the classic editor, WordPress is not allowed by default, and you need to add plug-ins to implement it. In this article, Weieis blog explains these plug-ins in detail.

Old Wei also installed and tried this new editor (also called Block Editor, Block Editor). When he got started, he was bewildered. He didn't know where the functional areas were, how to edit and publish articles. I believe many people have the same experience as me. The score of Gutenberg editor plug-in is two stars, which is already very low. There are also complaints in the group. So there are many bad comments about this new editor on the Internet.

Since it is not easy to use and cannot be returned to WordPress 4.9, we can find a way to solve this problem.

1、 Classic Editor plug-in

In WordPress background management, search for Classic Editor by clicking Plug in>>Install Plug in, and click Install and Enable Now.

Set>>Write through the WordPress background menu to enter the settings. The configuration is explained as follows:

The classic editor is the old editor of WordPress version 5.0 or below, also known as the classic editor. The block editor is the new Gutenberg editor.

You can also choose whether to allow users to switch editors.

2、 Disable Gutenberg Plug in

Search for the installation and enable the Disable Gutenberg plug-in as above.

It is also easy to use. In Wordpress Management Background Settings>>Disable Gutenberg, check Disable Gutenberg everywhere, and all authors will disable the Gutenberg editor. Remember to save it before it takes effect.

If only some specific users and article types are disabled, do not check the Disable Gutenberg everywhere option. More options will be displayed after canceling, as shown in the figure below:

Here you can select as needed. For administrators, editors, authors, contributors, subscribers, articles, and pages, you can set whether to disable the Gutenberg editor. If a plug-in is currently incompatible with the Gutenberg editor, and you want to use Gutenberg in other regions of the website, this plug-in can be used.

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Article name: WordPress 5.0 Method of Disabling Gutenberg Editor and Using Classic Editor Back
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/12853.html
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