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On January 24, Tencent ECS hit the mark with 5M bandwidth, 2 cores, 4G, 3027 yuan/3 years. The options in Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing are slow!

The Tencent ECS Seckill activity is coming to an end. Today's hot spots are 5M bandwidth, 2-core, 4G Memory model, 3027 yuan/3 years. This configuration is the most classic. In addition, there are several affordable configurations released. Next, Weieis Blog will introduce the details.

1. 5M bandwidth, 2-core, 4G memory model, 3027 yuan/3 years. The reason why this model is classic is that it can deal with tens of thousands of small and medium-sized business traffic every day in configuration. The price of the same model of Tencent Cloud with 1M bandwidth and 2-core 4G memory is 3117 yuan, and you can see this opportunity to kill, only 3027 yuan is needed to get 5M bandwidth. The advantage of bandwidth is that the user access speed is fast, and the number of concurrent operations is also large. You can choose Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing. The chance of snapping up is only this morning!

This was also the last opportunity of second killing years ago, and there won't be such a good opportunity of bargain hunting for a long time after the New Year.

2. 5M bandwidth, 4 cores, 8G memory, and 3991 yuan/3 years are also classic models, which are much better than the above configurations. It can support hundreds of thousands of visits every day. It is available in Chengdu.

3. 1M bandwidth, 1 core, 1G memory, and 168 yuan/year configuration can only be purchased by new users. It is mainly for newly registered users to experience Tencent ECS. It can be used to build personal blogs, small websites, lightweight apps, etc.

You can also choose MySQL Basic Edition, MySQL High Availability Edition, and MySQL Ultimate Edition. These cloud databases are provided for medium and large businesses to separate programs and data, which can reduce the pressure on the server side.

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Article name: "Tencent ECS Seconds on January 24, 5M bandwidth, 2-core 4G, 3027 yuan/3 years, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing are available!"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/12841.html
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