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How can Alibaba Cloud burst performance t5 instances be slow and not stuck?

Alibaba Cloud burst performance t5 instance How to do not slow down or get stuck? Alibaba Cloud burst performance instance is a special model of Alibaba Cloud servers. Because the price is very low, the annual payment is 293 yuan for 1M bandwidth, 1 core and 1G memory configuration. Therefore, it was promoted as a popular ECS by Alibaba Cloud. However, many people are looking for cheap options, but after a while, they find that there are often situations such as stuck and slow down, which is unbearable. In the previous article, Weieis blog has repeatedly stressed that unless you know this server, you should not choose it easily. But today, Lao Wei wants to share the method of using the burst performance instance t5 not slow and not stuck.

1、 Alibaba Cloud Burst Performance Instance Specification Table

There is a maximum limit of 10% - 15% performance baseline for CPU, and the price is better. New and old users can buy it. One order is limited, and the original price will be restored from the second order; The longer the time is, the more favorable the price is. New users can buy 3 sets.
Burst performance t5 instance (10% performance baseline) Burst performance t5 instance (10% performance baseline) Burst performance t5 instance (15% performance baseline)
1-core 1G 40G system disk 1-core 2G 40G system disk 2-core 4G 40G system disk
293 yuan/1 year 586 yuan/2 years 879 yuan/3 years 459 yuan/year 918 yuan/year 1377 yuan/year 798 yuan/year 1596 yuan/year 2394 yuan/year
Click me to buy Click me to buy Click me to buy

The entry-level configuration is cheap, and is mainly applicable to learning experience, testing code, and businesses that consume less resources. Those who do not know how to optimize the server and reduce system consumption should not be greedy. For details, please move to Alibaba Cloud t5 instance with burst performance should be carefully used for long-term site establishment and Windows remote desktop

Related articles: Alibaba Cloud burst performance t5 instance server configuration, price list and how to select

2、 How to not slow down or get stuck in burst performance instance t5

1. You should know that there are preconditions for not being slow or stuck. That is to say, the burst performance instance can be used normally when the CPU performance baseline is limited to no more than 10%~15%. If the CPU integral is exceeded, it will be consumed until the integral returns to zero.

At the beginning, Alibaba Cloud found through big data that the CPU utilization rate of most users' servers was very low, ranging from 10% to 15%. The remaining 90% of CPU resources were never used at all. So in order to use these idle CPU resources, Alibaba Cloud launched this product to improve CPU utilization. Then these users who use burst performance instances can not only use the appropriate server, but also pay less, which benefits everyone.

The CPU benchmark performance of 10% means that only when the CPU utilization rate is lower than 10% can you start accumulating CPU credits, and when the CPU utilization rate is higher than 10%, you will consume existing credits. If the integration runs out, the CPU benchmark performance will be reduced to 10%. At this time, users will feel stuck and slow.

But many new friends often only see the word "cheap", but ignore whether your own business falls within this scope. Many friends bought this t5 model cheaply, but they asked the CPU utilization rate to exceed the maximum limit, which is obviously inappropriate. Then many netizens complained that Alibaba Cloud servers are hot, slow, stuck, and hard to use.

2. If you install the Windows server system when you open the server, it will become stuck and slow soon. The following methods can effectively reduce CPU utilization.

MsMgEng.exe is a service corresponding to the Windows Defender software that comes with the Windows system. It consumes a lot of CPU resources and hard disk reading and writing during operation, and must be shut down.

Right click the system start menu, find the command prompt (administrator), enter the following command, press Enter to run, and OK.

reg add “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender” /v “DisableAntiSpyware” /d 1 /t REG_DWORD /f

If the MsMgEng.exe service cannot be shut down normally by the above methods, you can ask Du Niang to shut it down by other methods. This thing takes up the most CPU resources. It can relieve the CPU pressure after being turned off.

The automatic maintenance of the system also takes up a lot of CPU, so it should be turned off; Disable the Windows Modules Installer service and restart the system to shut it down; TiWorker.exe is a planned task, please close it; CompatTelRunner.exe takes up a lot of disks and needs to be shut down.

3. After the Windows server is not used, the business can run in the background by logging off the system, which can also save some system resources.

After the above efforts, the CPU utilization of the Windows server can be reduced to less than 10%.

4. The above solution is not to shut down the machine. If you are in actual operation, the CPU of the server really takes up a lot. If you are not in business, you are recommended to shut down the server if you are not afraid of trouble. This can accumulate CPU integral. When you want to use services, go to the Alibaba Cloud background to power on the system, and then use it again. This is done on the premise that the shutdown will not affect the business. For example, the programmer bought the t5 server just to debug code, and shut it down when not in use at night. This can save points and accumulate points, and then turn it on when it is used.

These are some ways to deal with 10% of the CPU performance baseline of Alibaba Cloud burst performance instances. In fact, the most effective solution is not to buy this model unless you know what to do. You can select the configurations, prices, and direct links of commonly used shared instances for reference.

The shared basic xn4 instance has unlimited CPU performance and high cost performance The shared computing n4 instance CPU has unlimited performance and high cost performance The shared computing n4 instance CPU has unlimited performance and high cost performance
1-core 1G 40G system disk 1-core 2G 40G system disk 2-core 4G 40G system disk
433 yuan/year 737 yuan/year 975 yuan/year 718 yuan/year 1211 yuan/year 1616 yuan/year 1319 yuan/year 2242 yuan/year 2968 yuan/year
Click me to buy Click me to buy Click me to buy

When Alibaba Cloud products are needed Click me to get it AliCloud 1000 yuan voucher gift package can be used as money when purchasing AliCloud 150+products, starting from 50 yuan.

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Article name: How can Alibaba Cloud burst performance t5 instances not slow down or get stuck
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/12826.html
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