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What is the difference between self-service registration application, expert assisted application and guarantee registration application in Alibaba Cloud trademark registration?

AliCloud trademark registration in progress Difference between self-service registration application, expert assisted application and guarantee registration application Where? Alibaba Cloud trademark registration provides users with three different registration forms to choose from: self-service registration application, expert assisted application and guarantee registration application. It's said that Alibaba Cloud trademark registration is fast and easy to use. Many friends are interested in this. Weiaisi Blog shares relevant knowledge for everyone to use.

1、 Alibaba Cloud trademark service type

It is divided into three different types: self-service registration application, expert assisted application and guarantee registration application. The passing rate of trademark applications varies according to the number of services involved by Alibaba Cloud. The following table shows the corresponding differences. Friends who have not received vouchers, Click me to get it Alibaba Cloud 1000 yuan voucher gift package, including Alibaba Cloud 100+products, starts from 50 yuan. It can also save money on Alibaba Cloud trademark services.

Self service registration application Expert assisted application Guarantee registration application
Easy to use, simple and efficient Professional full process service Professional accurate assessment
Submit quick feedback in time Trademark retrieval analysis, evaluation success rate Balancing risks and opportunities
Control the whole process Check the progress at any time Optimize the registration scheme and provide all-round protection Risk sharing, failure refund
From ¥ 300 From ¥ 680 From ¥ 1380
Preferential purchase Preferential purchase Preferential purchase

2、 Let's talk about the differences between these three forms in detail.

1. Self service registration application

Self service application through Alibaba Cloud's fast application channel costs 300 yuan/class/piece (Alibaba Cloud does not charge any fees). Trademark registration involves many different industries, among which the professional knowledge, operation process, etc. are difficult for novices who have not been contacted. In order to provide pass rate and spend less money, the following two types can be given priority.

Self service application is the same process as you apply directly to the Trademark Office, just through AliCloud channels. Moreover, the 300 yuan was collected by the Trademark Office, and the fee will not be refunded even if rejected. Therefore, it is generally not recommended.

2. Expert assisted application

The price of this type is 680 yuan, including 300 yuan for "trademark registration acceptance fee" (collected by the Trademark Office and paid by Alibaba Cloud). The professional consultant will contact you within 2 hours after payment, and will contact you on the next working day during non working hours. The advantage of expert assisted application type is that you can use the rich experience of experts to help yourself improve the success rate. And in the one-on-one communication process with experts, we can also learn more industry knowledge, which is more conducive to the application.

3. Guarantee registration application

The price of this type is 1380 yuan. If the registration fails and is rejected, Alibaba Cloud will refund the full amount, so users have no worries. However, the exception is that if someone objects to the registration, it does not belong to unsuccessful registration. The key advantage of guaranteed registration is that if the trademark registration application is rejected by the Trademark Office, professional consultants will provide rejection suggestions and help you to handle the refund.

If the application for guarantee registration is unsuccessful, the user fee of 1380 yuan will be refunded. If you have a strong idea about registered trademarks, don't hesitate to choose this type.


If you have any questions about Alibaba Cloud trademark registration, you can go to Alibaba Cloud's official help( Click me to open )How to explain it? This can help you solve some problems.

If you are new to Alibaba Cloud's trademark registered products, please go to Alibaba Cloud trademark registration process graphic tutorial

This paper summarizes the differences between self-service registration application, expert assisted application and guarantee registration application. The key point is that guarantee registration application has the highest cost performance. It can not only learn relevant industry knowledge, but also prepare for more trademark applications in the future. Even if it is unsuccessful, it can get a full refund. Before payment Click me to get it AliCloud vouchers worth 1888 yuan can be used to offset a certain amount for qualified orders during settlement.

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Article name: What is the difference between self-service registration application, expert assisted application and guarantee registration application in Alibaba Cloud trademark registration
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