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How to turn off AliCloud SMS/email/voice notification

Before the expiration of Alibaba Cloud products, there are many notification methods, such as in station mail, email, SMS, and phone calls. The original intention is good. I'm afraid that the user does not know that the renewal will affect the normal operation of the business, but sometimes the notification is too frequent, which is a bit annoying. For example, when the phone rang during a meeting, it was discovered that it was a sales advertisement from Alibaba Cloud, which affected normal work. In fact, Alibaba Cloud's notification form can be turned off. In this article, Weiaisi Blog will share relevant operations.

If you are sure that you do not want to log in to the AliCloud management console, you can find the voice reception management function in the message center. Just uncheck the voice option on the right to notify that the product is about to expire.

The above is not to receive phone notifications, and the following is also the option to turn off SMS and email notifications. It is in the basic receiving management.

In fact, as long as Alibaba Cloud customer service calls are not made too frequently, you don't need to turn off this voice notification. Some of the problems were explained clearly on the phone and solved quite quickly. In addition, it is better to keep SMS and email notifications, especially the key information such as product expiration notification and product release notification, so as not to affect the normal development of your business.

Finally, I would like to remind you that in order to help more people get on the cloud quickly, Alibaba Cloud has launched a coupon promotion. After receiving the coupon, you can use the coupon to offset part of the cost of purchasing AliCloud 150+products. The way to participate is to log on to Alibaba Cloud's official website and Click me to get it Alibaba Cloud vouchers. Take Alibaba Cloud ECS for example. After selecting the product and configuration, the following screenshot will appear after placing the order. Select the maximum amount of vouchers, which saves the most money.

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Article name: How to turn off AliCloud SMS/email/voice notification
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/12373.html
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