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Tencent ECS killed on December 31, 2M bandwidth, 2 cores, 4G 2298 yuan/3 years, 5M bandwidth, 4 cores, 16G 4359 yuan/3 years, 1M bandwidth, 1 core, 1G 168 yuan/1 year

Tencent ECS Seckill Until December 31, the last day of 2018. Today's highlight is 2M bandwidth, 2-core, 4G memory 2298 yuan/3 years; 5M bandwidth, 4-core, 16G memory 4359 yuan/3 years; 1M bandwidth, 1 core, 1G memory 168 yuan/year.

2M bandwidth, 2 cores, 4G memory, 2298 yuan/3 years. It's very cheap to buy this configuration for more than 700 yuan per year. Can run tens of thousands of traffic every day, no problem. The available regions are Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing, which is very good and can cover most of China.

5M bandwidth, 4 cores, 16G memory, 4359 yuan/3 years. The CPU memory ratio of 1:4 is suitable for high memory consuming businesses. Moreover, there is no weakness in this set of configuration, and it is profitable to buy it.

1M bandwidth, 1 core, 1G memory, 168 yuan/year is a classic entry model. What can this configuration do? For example, the server of Weiaisi blog is Tencent ECS, which is also configured in this way. So it is no problem to build personal blogs, websites, lightweight apps, and private online disks.

In addition, Tencent cloud databases such as MySQL basic version, flagship version, and Redis master-slave version are available, with a wide range of types.

Selected explosives area
618 Zhongshenghui Click to view the purchase
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For more Tencent Cloud content, please see Tencent Cloud

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Article name: Tencent ECS Seconds on December 31, 2M bandwidth, 2-core, 4G 2298 yuan/3 years, 5M bandwidth, 4-core, 16G 4359 yuan/3 years, 1M bandwidth, 1-core, 1G 168 yuan/1 year
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/12170.html
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