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On the last day of Alibaba Cloud's special offer for dual 12 servers, 1 core 1G 277 yuan/1 year, 2 core 4G 720 yuan/1 year, including mainland+Hong Kong nodes, wait another year!

Today is the last day of the 2018 Alibaba Cloud Double 12 Server Special. It will end in less than 20 hours. The server price of this special offer is really powerful and cost-effective. Why does Weiaisi Blog recommend this activity to you many times? Let's follow the content of Laowei's article to see where we can choose.

1、 Activity Configuration

This event includes ECS, SMS, real person authentication, cloud firewall, etc. Mainly cloud servers, there are many types of models. Because the official will adjust the model displayed on the page according to the rush purchase and inventory, the following configurations are for reference only. You can click the link to view more real-time model configurations and prices on the official page.

2、 Shopping Guide

1. The ECS participating in this activity has been provided with 1-core 1G memory to 8-core 16G memory, which can meet the requirements of different industries and businesses to find corresponding configurations.

For example, a shared xn4 model that can use one core and 1GB of memory, such as personal blogs, small websites and lightweight apps, will pay 277 yuan per year and 708 yuan per year;

If the traffic is a little larger, it can reach about 10000 PVs per day, and you can purchase exclusive 2-core 4G memory, exclusive system resources, and no CPU performance limit. If it is a business that consumes more memory, it can be configured with 5M bandwidth, 2-core and 8G memory, which is definitely a powerful tool for running large traffic businesses;

If the traffic reaches hundreds of thousands to hundreds of thousands, 4-core 8G memory configuration is needed. If the traffic is the same, 4-core 16G is suitable for businesses that consume more memory;

The traffic of millions of levels is configured with 8-core 16G memory,

The 1-core 1G3M bandwidth of the lightweight server is suitable for novices, and it is easy to use.

The final high-end server is the GPU ECS 8-core 32G memory configuration, 5M bandwidth, 40G SSD disk, which has excellent computing performance and is suitable for AI scenarios.

So if you look at small blogs and large businesses with millions of traffic, you can find appropriate choices here.

If you really don't know how to choose, the daily business traffic is only 5000 PV or less (most websites and blogs belong to this category), just listen to Lao Wei's choice of the 708 yuan/3 year 1-core 1G memory xn4 model (after opening the above link, the first model in the upper left corner is the one). This is a good model that has found a balance between performance and price.

However, try not to choose the t5 model, which belongs to the sudden performance instance and is not suitable for long-term business use. For details, please read Long term website establishment and Windows remote desktop should use Alibaba Cloud burst performance t5 instance carefully I understood the explanation.

2. The bandwidth selection is based on your business situation, and there should be a certain amount of reserved margin. If the current 1M bandwidth is sufficient, the 2M and 3M bandwidth should be considered. Because the business is developing constantly, we should leave some space for business development.

3. Select the duration. Lao Wei's recommendation is that the longer the better. The duration of activities can be 1 year or 3 years. It's better to buy 3 years. It seems that the price of three years' duration shared equally to each year is the same as the price of one year's duration. In fact, we can't just see this. There is a renewal problem. The renewal price of Alibaba Cloud will be more expensive than the event price, so if you buy it alone for one year, you will find it so expensive when you renew it. I regret that you didn't buy it for three years at a time, which saves money. So Lao Wei recommends buying it for three years at a time, which is equivalent to saving money.

In a word, such activities will never be held again in 2018, so we should seize the remaining ten hours and be happy with ourselves when it is time to start.

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Article name: "On the last day of Alibaba Cloud Double 12 Server Special, 1 core 1G 277 yuan/1 year, 2 core 4G 720 yuan/1 year, including mainland+Hong Kong nodes, wait another year!"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/12125.html
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