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Tencent Cloud's dual 12 servers hit 9:00~12:00 on the 20th. 2M bandwidth 2-core 4G 2298 yuan/3 years, 5M4 core 16G 4359 yuan/3 years, 1M bandwidth 1-core 1G 168 yuan/1 year

Tencent Cloud Dual 12 Servers The second kill will last until December 20, and the highlights from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. are 2M bandwidth, 2-core, 4G 2298 yuan/3 years; 5M bandwidth, 4-core, 16G 4359 yuan/3 years; 1M bandwidth, 1 core, 1G 168 yuan/year.

The most cost-effective server this morning is 2M bandwidth, 2-core 4G, 2298 yuan/3 years, and three nodes can be selected, namely, Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Beijing.

5M bandwidth, 4-core 16G, 4359 yuan/3 years. Although the price is cheap, it is only limited to Chengdu nodes, and it is no problem to serve Southwest China.

1M bandwidth, 1 core, 1G, 168 yuan/year, suitable for small traffic services such as personal blogs, websites, lightweight apps, etc., with daily visits of thousands of PVs.

Seckill activity hosts are all Tencent Cloud standard S2 hosts, 50G system disks (high-performance cloud disk); Bandwidth configuration includes 1Mbps, 2Mbps, 5Mbps and 10Mbps; The Seckill ECS does not have a data disk by default. If you need a data disk, please upgrade it on the official website after purchasing the server on the activity page.

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618 Zhongshenghui Click to view the purchase
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For more Tencent Cloud content, please see Tencent Cloud

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Article name: "Tencent Cloud Dual 12 servers kill at 9:00~12:00 on the 20th, 2M bandwidth 2-core 4G 2298 yuan/3 years, 5M4 core 16G 4359 yuan/3 years, 1M bandwidth 1-core 1G 168 yuan/1 year"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/11893.html
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