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Alibaba Cloud dual 12 preferential 4-core 8G ECS pays 1890 yuan per year for 3M bandwidth and 2090 yuan per year for 5M bandwidth. Configuration performance and how to choose

Alibaba Cloud Double 12 Special Offer What is more eye-catching in 4-core 8G ECS includes 3M bandwidth and 5M bandwidth. This configuration is suitable for businesses and websites with more than 100000 traffic. It has really attracted many users, who are very interested in this, but don't know much about it. In this article, Weieis Blog will record the configuration, performance and selection in detail.

1、 4-core 8G package configuration specifications

From the table above, we can see that the difference lies in the bandwidth, one is 3M and the other is 5M. All types belong to computing network enhanced sn1ne instances. This instance is characterized by no CPU limit and 100% exclusive system resources. This model can run with full load during use, and can fully support large flow business without pressure.

2、 Price comparison

Compare prices horizontally. The original price of the network enhanced 3M bandwidth in the figure below costs 4813 yuan per year, while the 5M bandwidth costs 5309 yuan. After participating in the Double 12 event, the 3M bandwidth costs only 1890 yuan and the 5M bandwidth costs 2090 yuan, which is really a lot cheaper.

The top is the special package of Double 12, and the bottom is the normal price

With the same configuration, the Double 12 campaign is more powerful and cost-effective.

3、 How to select

In fact, the answer to this question is very simple. The 4-core 8G dual 12 special package is only available in 3M and 5M versions. If the traffic is relatively small, 3M can also run and save money; If the traffic is large or you can predict that the traffic will rise in the future, you can go directly to the 5M package. The difference between the two prices is 200 yuan, which is really cheap and cost-effective for bandwidth.

In general, if you are in need of an ECS that can support more than 100000 daily visits, it is right to take the opportunity of this event to make a choice. Because the price is not so cheap at ordinary times, you can see that the price comparison above is about three times more than the gap, and you can make money if you buy it.

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Article name: Alibaba Cloud Dual 12 Preferential 4-core 8G ECS pays 1890 yuan per year for 3M bandwidth and 2090 yuan per year for 5M bandwidth. Configuration performance and how to choose
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/11541.html
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