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What is the difference between Alibaba Cloud VPC and classic networks?

Alibaba Cloud VPC What's the difference between the classic network? The network types of Alibaba Cloud servers are divided into VPC and classic networks. Many people do not know much about these two types of networks, nor do they know how to choose them. In this article, Weieis Blog will explain what is meant and the difference between VPC and classic networks.

1、 Meaning of VPC and classic network

1. VPC (also known as VPC) is an isolated network environment built by Alibaba Cloud. Layer 2 isolation is very secure because each VPC is logically isolated. It can also customize the topology and IP address, which is suitable for users who require network security and have certain network management capabilities. It is a private network on the cloud. It is the first network type promoted by Alibaba Cloud.

2. The classic network has three layers of isolation, which is to deploy cloud products in Alibaba Cloud's public ecological environment. Alibaba Cloud is responsible for management and planning. It is suitable for customers who have high requirements for network ease of use. Since June 2017, the option of classic networks has been canceled, which means that now all classic networks have been taken off the shelves. Professional networks have stronger performance and advantages than classic networks. In addition, when you purchase Alibaba Cloud servers, you can only choose VPC.

Now the network option is only "VPC"

3. VPC refers to the network management and use mode of ECS instances. It has nothing to do with the quality of the operator's public network access. The operator access of any network type is BGP lines. Please choose according to your needs and use it with confidence.

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2、 The difference between the two

1. Hardware differences

The above explanation is official. In fact, the most direct difference is that the classic network has two network cards, one for the internal network and the other for the external network; VPC has only one network card, which is responsible for the internal network and maps to the public network. In this way, the problem of intranet and extranet is solved.

2. Performance difference

In order to facilitate the explanation, the official comparison table of Alibaba Cloud has been directly moved here. If you need it, you can refer to it. However, Lao Wei can't understand many of the proper terms above. Theoretically, VPC is indeed better than classic networks.

Comparison point proprietary network Classic network
Layer 2 logical isolation support I won't support it
Custom private network segment support I won't support it
Private IP Planning Unique in VPCs and repeatable between VPCs Unique in classic network
Private network interworking Interworking within VPCs and isolation between VPCs The same account is interconnected in the same region
Tunnel technology support I won't support it
Custom Router support I won't support it
Routing table support I won't support it
Switch support I won't support it
SDN support I won't support it
Self built NAT gateway support I won't support it
Self built VPN support I won't support it

3. Cost differentiation

In addition, one physical network card is missing, and one less is not expensive. Hundreds of thousands or millions of machines add up to a large number. This is the physical cost, as well as the software management cost, which has also been reduced. Therefore, in general, the cost of ECS has also been greatly reduced.

4. Official video explanation

If you haven't understood the above explanations, Alibaba Cloud's official video explains the difference between VPCs and classic networks.

1. The classic network is compared to a city, and the ECS instance is a series of buildings, which are equipped with walls and locks for security protection. The enclosure is equivalent to the safety group, and the door lock is equivalent to the safety group rules. There will be several cases of forgetting to "lock the door" and "open the door". Once you are negligent, you will be maliciously invaded.

Therefore, the classic network highly depends on the permission control of the security group. Because most people don't pay much attention to the security group, some people even added a rule like to the security group rules, which means that the network is completely open to the outside world without any defenses, and the risk is great.

2. The VPC is equivalent to a parallel space of different dimensions, which does not intersect or coincide with each other. Even if a single parallel space has a problem, it will not affect other spaces. Even if you forget to set a security group, the outside world cannot easily enter your network.

3. Alibaba Cloud also provides an auxiliary mechanism for classic network migration to VPC, which enables zero impact network migration.

4. For more details, please Click me to open Check the official AliCloud video.

In short, VPC is the only option to buy AliCloud products. As analyzed above, VPC is better in terms of performance, hardware, cost, price, management and security. I hope you can understand what VPC is and how to use the corresponding functions after reading this article.

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Article name: What is the difference between Alibaba Cloud VPC and classic network
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/11489.html
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