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AliCloud product learning path Fast learning product and cloud application building shortcuts

AliCloud product learning path It is an important part of Alibaba Cloud official website help. Alibaba Cloud has organized a technical team to carefully create a learning path for Alibaba Cloud products. By reading teaching documents, we can quickly learn products and build cloud application service websites and other businesses. In order to help you better understand what the AliCloud product learning path is for, Lao Wei introduces relevant knowledge in detail in this article.

Alibaba Cloud help documents include two main contents: novice school and learning path. The novice school is a document learning for new users to get started quickly. The learning path provides you with the process of learning the product system, which is more detailed than novice school. If you are a novice with high purity, please move to AliCloud Novice School 5-minute quick introduction to AliCloud products , the content here is more suitable for you.

1、 AliCloud product learning path website

Click me directly

Click the above link to directly open the official website of the product learning path. Open it to see columns including popular product knowledge, cloud computing foundation, enterprise applications, big data and security.

2、 AliCloud product learning path classification

This column is called AliCloud Learning Path. The official explanation of knowledge points is also written in the way of path. First, we have a preliminary understanding, then create, then configure rules, various advanced operations, and finally summarize common problems. Old Wei seems to have the same order of lectures as we did in our textbooks at school.

1. Category column

Popular products Cloud Computing Foundation Enterprise applications big data security
Summarized the knowledge essence of popular AliCloud products Essential knowledge of Alibaba Cloud cloud computing Important operational knowledge of enterprise cloud Key learning points of various big data Safety product explanation and learning
Click me to learn Click me to learn Click me to learn Click me to learn Click me to learn

2. Popular products

This column is mainly to summarize the knowledge of the most popular basic products of Alibaba Cloud and give a centralized explanation. Mainly ECS ECS, website filing, object storage OSS and IoT equipment LOT. Old Wei used the first three items. It is also true that many novices do not know enough about AliCloud ECS products and how to build and record them. Through this program, we can quickly complete the growth process from novice to veteran.

For example, if you plan to buy domain names and ECS servers from Alibaba Cloud, you need to go here first to see relevant knowledge, such as how to build a php environment, how to file websites and other routine issues; Here are some answers to common questions, which are friendly to beginners and easy to find. The depth of knowledge points here is deeper than that of Alibaba Cloud Novice School in the previous article, and it is also a process of systematic learning of Alibaba Cloud products.

3. Cloud Computing Foundation

Alibaba Cloud has many cloud computing products. According to the requirements of different application environments, Alibaba Cloud provides cloud product knowledge that can be used in most production environments. If you have learned the novice school in front of you, you can consolidate your knowledge points by following the content here. Even if it is not available for the time being, let's have a brief understanding of the cloud products, so as to make knowledge reserves for choosing to purchase more AliCloud products in the future.

4. Purchase Alibaba Cloud Server

We learned how to select, purchase, and configure AliCloud servers before buying an ECS server to use. The following is an example of AliCloud ECS server performance balancing recommended by Lao Wei. According to the configuration, it is divided into 1 core 1G, 1 core 2G, 2 core 4G, and 4 core 8G:

Selected explosives area
618 Zhongshenghui Click to view the purchase
Selected preferential activities Click to view the purchase
Tencent Cloud Preferential Products Zone Click to view the purchase
Cross border e-commerce store server Lightweight application server
Tencent Cloud Animal Palu Game Server Click to view the purchase
For more Tencent Cloud content, please see Tencent Cloud

It is recommended to purchase 1 core 1G configuration for learning when you just start, or you can directly buy it to build a website if you have ideas. Later, when the website is larger, it can be upgraded to a higher configuration without moving, which is very convenient.

5. Enterprise applications

This mainly involves enterprise website filing process, domain name, cloud resolution, virtual host and other contents. Enterprise website filing is different from individual filing, involving more qualifications and certificates; The choice of corporate domain names is also more cautious; For the sake of stability and speed, the enterprise website can provide fast access everywhere after purchasing cloud resolution; Virtual hosts can also be used for enterprise business. However, Mr. Wei feels that Alibaba Cloud has not updated this content for a long time. There are many cases of high traffic and memory consumption in enterprise business. Only using virtual hosts can not meet the requirements. We should also consider using the ECS mentioned above.

6. Big data

Lao Wei has never used big data related applications, and he doesn't know much about this. If you are interested, you can come to learn about it.

7. Security

Security includes web application firewall, access control and cloud monitoring learning path. Through the learning of knowledge points here, we have mastered the method and configuration of cloud server security protection, which can be used more effectively in the production environment later.

In general, the AliCloud learning path is very suitable for starting AliCloud product learning. Lao Wei remembered that if you plan to participate in Alibaba Cloud Cloud Computing ACP Professional Certification Examination Here is the most suitable learning camp. You have all the Alibaba Cloud knowledge you want.

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Article name: AliCloud product learning path Fast learning product and cloud application building shortcuts
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/11346.html
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