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Do something! Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong machine room lightweight application server 30M bandwidth 1T traffic 24 yuan/month

Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server is doing something! The Hong Kong computer room has 30M bandwidth, 1T monthly traffic, 1 core 1G, 25G SSD hard disk, and 24 yuan/month. This is the rhythm of becoming an Internet celebrity! Compared with ECS servers, lightweight application servers are easy to set up and highly recommended for novices. Hong Kong servers can be set up without filing, or if you want to test a project recently and don't want to waste time on filing, you can do it.

1. Activity address

Click me directly

2. How to access the lightweight application server

Click the above link to directly reach Alibaba Cloud lightweight application server. in addition Click me to get it 1000 yuan voucher, then click "Elastic Computing", and then click "Lightweight Application Server" (sometimes you need to click twice) to enter.

Click "Buy Now" after seeing the lightweight application server interface. Select the Hong Kong region (you may need to select twice to see it), and you can see the configuration and price list.

Let's take a look at the detailed configuration and see the table. There are several higher configurations that most people can't use. They haven't been put up. Click the link to see them.

Selected explosives area
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For more Tencent Cloud content, please see Tencent Cloud

On the whole, the filing free AliCloud Hong Kong server is quite cost-effective. Novices and friends who do not want to file can buy it and use it. It is also very fast in China. Please move to the relevant evaluation articles Detailed evaluation of Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong ECS speed and stability , written in enough detail.

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Article name: "Do something! Alibaba Cloud Hong Kong machine room lightweight application server 30M bandwidth 1T traffic 24 yuan/month"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/11292.html
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