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The operation procedure of upgrading the version of ngxin in Lnmp

How to upgrade nginx version in Lnmp? The upgrade of nginx in lnmp is very important. If you have been using lnmp, upgrade to lnmp1.5 in time, and check whether the nginx version is the latest stable version. In this article, Weieis Blog shares the process of upgrading nginx version in lnmp.

Lnmp is a very easy to use linux panel in China. Because of its early development, many people use it in China. However, there is a competition between the oneinstock Linux panel and the pagoda panel in China. Lao Wei strongly suggests that you use the pagoda panel. Because of visual operation, everything can be done at one click.

1. View nginx version

The command is as follows

/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -v

After checking, the nginx version is 1.12. Now the stable version is 1.141, which needs to be upgraded. Because there was a 0Day vulnerability in version 1.13 before, it needs to be patched through the upgraded version.

2. Enter the lnmp directory

Log in to ftp in advance to check the lnmp version and path. For example, the server Lao Wei wants to operate on is the lnmp1.5 version, which is placed in the/root directory.

The command is as follows:

cd /root/lnmp1.5

3. Nginx Upgrade Script


./upgrade.sh nginx

Enter the version number when prompted to access http://nginx.org/en/download.html You can find the latest version number and previous version number of nginx. For example, 1.14.1. It is recommended to use the latest stable version in the production environment. Don't try anything new. After all, stability is the priority.

Enter Enter again to confirm the Nginx upgrade. The Nginx upgrade process is smooth and does not affect the operation of nginx.

Wait a moment for the upgrade to be completed. At this time, go to the foreground and background of the website to see if it is normal. After the upgrade of Old Wei, the opening speed of the background has been further improved.

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Article name: Operation Procedure for Upgrading ngxin in Lnmp
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/11247.html
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