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Alibaba Cloud trademark service personnel can quickly declare in the whole process and submit a refund for failure within 1 minute at the fastest

Alibaba Cloud trademark service It is a newly launched business service project of Alibaba Cloud. Trademark service is a product that provides online trademark registration and online management services. Alibaba Cloud can quickly submit orders through big data analysis, and provide one-on-one services for professional consultants, saving money, time and worry. In order to provide more convenient and fast services for the majority of enterprise users, Weieis Blog shares relevant information for users to access.

In the past, when we registered trademarks, we had to go through the whole process by ourselves, which was time-consuming, laborious, troublesome, and low success rate. Or we can entrust a registered company to run business, because we are not familiar with this operation process, and the information is completely in the hands of a third-party registered company. Although it can be done, it will cost a lot of money. Now Alibaba Cloud is serving enterprises. Alibaba Cloud has launched its trademark service to solve the problems of asymmetric information, poor user experience and high application failure rate when users register trademarks, and help you register and manage trademarks conveniently and efficiently.

1、 Alibaba Cloud trademark service type

It is divided into three different types: self-service registration application, expert assisted application and guarantee registration application. The passing rate of trademark applications varies according to the number of services involved by Alibaba Cloud. The following table shows the corresponding differences. Friends who have not received vouchers, Click me to get it Alibaba Cloud 1000 yuan voucher gift package, including Alibaba Cloud 100+products, starts from 50 yuan. It can also save money on Alibaba Cloud trademark services.

Self service registration application Expert assisted application Guarantee registration application
Easy to use, simple and efficient Professional full process service Professional accurate assessment
Submit quick feedback in time Trademark retrieval analysis, evaluation success rate Balancing risks and opportunities
Control the whole process Check the progress at any time Optimize the registration scheme and provide all-round protection Risk sharing, failure refund
From ¥ 300 From ¥ 680 From ¥ 1380
Preferential purchase Preferential purchase Preferential purchase

2、 Service advantages

Alibaba Cloud takes advantage of its leading technology to provide enterprises with convenient, safe and efficient trademark services. One to one expert service shows professional level, and the whole process of trademark registration is escorted; It is efficient to apply at a very fast speed and submit it to the Trademark Office within one minute at the earliest; Strictly keep customer information confidential and regard data security as life.

3、 Risk of trademark registration

By the end of December 2017, China had applied for 27.842 million trademarks, registered 17.301 million trademarks, and registered 14.92 million effective trademarks. In 2017, the rejection rate of trademark applications in China was about 50%, which means that almost half of the applications will be returned. This is due in large part to the applicant's lack of experience in this area. With the rapid social and economic development, trademark registration has a greater risk in the case of limited text and logo resources.

Making good use of Alibaba Cloud trademark application can completely avoid these pitfalls. With Alibaba Cloud's experience in this area and big data as the foundation, I believe that friends who use Alibaba Cloud trademark services to apply for trademarks can get their own trademarks as soon as possible.

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Article name: "Alibaba Cloud trademark service personnel can quickly apply for a refund for failure within one minute at the fastest"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/11234.html
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