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Is the renewal price of the tile removal workers the same as that of the first purchase? Is the renewal fee increased?

Every time the price of the tile mover's package rises, he always cares whether the price of the package in his hand will rise along with it. When he renews it, the price will rise? We used to have cheap packages and CN2 GIA packages. Later, we saw that the official raised the prices of these two packages. We wondered whether the prices of the packages we were using would also rise along with them? Well, in this article, Weieis Blog will share the relevant knowledge.

1. Renewal price of tile removal workers

at present Renewal price of tile removal workers Same as the initial purchase price. That is to say, if you buy the first purchase at the official page price, the renewal price is still the same; If you use the discount code to purchase after discount, then the renewal price is also the price after discount. Even if the price of the package increases later, your renewal price will remain unchanged.

However, one premise is that the renewal cycle cannot be changed. For example, if you bought a monthly CN2 computer room package, one day you changed it to an annual package because it was too troublesome to pay every month, so I'm sorry to pay according to the current annual price.

2. How to view your renewal price

In My services>Manage, you can see the price similar to the figure below. You can see that the price of the first payment is the same as that of the receiving amount.

3. Specific specifications of tile mover CN2 line

Discount code: BWH26FXH3HIQ

CN2 special promotion 10 GB CN2 special promotion fund 20 GB (monthly payment 5.99 scheme) CN2 special promotion 40 GB (monthly payment 9.99 scheme)
CPU: 1 core CPU: 1 core CPU: 1 core
Memory: 512 MB Memory: 1024 MB Memory: 2048 MB
Hard disk: 10 GB SSD Hard disk: 20 GB SSD Hard disk: 40 GB SSD
Traffic: 500 GB Traffic: 1000 GB/month Traffic: 2000 GB
Bandwidth: 1 Gbps Bandwidth: 1 Gbps Bandwidth: 1 Gbps
Machine room: KVM 8 machine rooms Machine room: KVM 8 machine rooms Machine room: KVM 8 machine rooms
Migration: the machine room can be migrated, with the same traffic Migration: the machine room can be migrated, with the same traffic Migration: the machine room can be migrated, with the same traffic
Price: USD 29.99/year Price: $29.99/half a year, $49.99/year Price: $9.99/month, $99.99/year
Click me to buy Click me to buy Click me to buy
CN2 special promotion fund 80 GB (monthly payment 19.99 scheme) CN2 special promotion 160 GB (monthly payment 39.99 scheme) CN2 special promotion 320 GB (monthly payment 79.99 scheme)
CPU: 2 cores CPU: 2 cores CPU: 3 cores
Memory: 14096 MB Memory: 8 GB Memory: 16 GB
Hard disk: 80 GB SSD Hard disk: 160GB SSD Hard disk: 320 GB SSD
Flow: 3000 GB/month Traffic: 5000 GB/month Traffic: 8000 GB/month
Bandwidth: 1 Gbps Bandwidth: 1 Gbps Bandwidth: 1 Gbps
Machine room: KVM 8 machine rooms Machine room: KVM 8 machine rooms Machine room: KVM 8 machine rooms
Migration: the machine room can be migrated, with the same traffic Migration: the machine room can be migrated, with the same traffic Migration: the machine room can be migrated, with the same traffic
Price: $19.99/month, $199.99/year Price: $39.99/month, $399.99/year Price: $79.99/month, $799.99/year
Click me to buy Click me to buy Click me to buy


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Article name: Is the renewal price of the tile movers the same as the first purchase? Is the renewal price increased
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/10967.html
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