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How much does Alibaba Cloud Server pay for 4-core 8G per year? How to choose?

AliCloud server 4-core 8G How much is the annual payment? How to choose? The 4-core 8G server is an Alibaba Cloud server model used for high traffic and enterprise business. It is mainly configured with 4-core CPU and 8G memory. The default bandwidth is 1M, and 40G high-performance cloud disk. Alibaba Cloud servers have many specifications. Even if the CPU and memory specifications are the same, changes in other configurations will lead to different annual payment prices. In this article, Weiaisi Blog shares the common Alibaba Cloud 4-core 8G annual payment price and how to choose it.

1、 High performance ECS special offer

Activity address:

Selected explosives area
618 Zhongshenghui Click to view the purchase
Selected preferential activities Click to view the purchase
Tencent Cloud Preferential Products Zone Click to view the purchase
Cross border e-commerce store server Lightweight application server
Tencent Cloud Animal Palu Game Server Click to view the purchase
For more Tencent Cloud content, please see Tencent Cloud

The 4-core 8G ECS here is an enhanced instance of computing network. The standard configuration is 40G efficient cloud disk, and some configuration bandwidth is optional. The maximum network receiving and sending capacity is 2.5 million PPS, and the maximum intranet bandwidth is 6 Gbps, all of which are 1-year configurations. Available regions include North China, East China, South China and other regions, excluding Hong Kong and foreign nodes. The price is 1390 yuan per year.

Activity rules:

1. Only users who purchase ECS for the first time can participate, that is, users who have never purchased ECS products;

2. Each user is limited to one order, and can purchase up to four sets. One year's payment can enjoy a 25% discount. Only the ECS specified on the current activity page can be purchased;

2、 Nationwide cloud computing activities

National cloud computing is a long-term activity of Alibaba Cloud. The computing network enhanced instance here is also a 4-core 8G memory 40G efficient cloud disk, with an annual payment of 2991 yuan. The activity configuration is the fourth generation cloud server, with high cost performance.

Active link:

Selected explosives area
618 Zhongshenghui Click to view the purchase
Selected preferential activities Click to view the purchase
Tencent Cloud Preferential Products Zone Click to view the purchase
Cross border e-commerce store server Lightweight application server
Tencent Cloud Animal Palu Game Server Click to view the purchase
For more Tencent Cloud content, please see Tencent Cloud

3、 Purchase directly from AliCloud homepage

If you purchase an enhanced computing network instance directly from Alibaba Cloud's homepage, you will pay 4396.20 yuan per year for 4-core 8G memory, which is the most expensive of the three methods. Click me to get it You can save money by purchasing AliCloud 1000 yuan vouchers. This voucher is a red envelope for Alibaba Cloud to use for a limited time. You can purchase 100+Alibaba Cloud products in advance and recommend shopping carts. The maximum amount of the voucher is 1888 yuan. New customers can enjoy a discount of 5000 yuan less than the maximum amount of the voucher.

4、 What's the difference

1. Different regions

The preferential activities of high-performance ECS are limited to a few domestic nodes; The national cloud computing includes not only domestic nodes, but also Hong Kong, the United States, Singapore, Germany and Australia. It can cover a wider range.

2. Different prices

The discounts are different for different promotional activities, so the prices are different. If you only look at 2-core 4G and 4-core 8G and above configurations, it is more cost-effective for domestic nodes to purchase high-performance ECS special offers. If you don't want to file, you can only consider cloud computing for all.

3. Purchase restrictions

The special offer of high-performance ECS is limited to new registered users only once, and you can buy 4 sets; All new and old users can participate in cloud computing. One order is limited, and the original price will be restored from the second order. The longer the time is, the more favorable the price will be (the best price is to buy three years at a time). New users can buy three sets; On the Alibaba Cloud homepage, you can buy whatever you want, but the price is the most expensive.

On the whole, if you don't want to file, you can only choose the national cloud computing. The added benefit is that the longer the time is, the better the discount will be (you can buy it for 3 years); If domestic nodes can be used, the first choice is the high-performance ECS special activity, which is very cheap and can only be bought for one year. However, it is not easy to find the entrance to these activities in Alibaba Cloud. You can access them through the direct link provided above. You can't have both fish and bear's paw. Please choose appropriate activities and configurations according to your needs.

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Article name: How much does AliCloud Server pay for 4-core 8G per year? How to choose
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/10962.html
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