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Tutorial of regularly backing up website and database to FTP storage space on pagoda panel

The webmaster usually uses various methods to backup. Including manual backup, automatic backup, scheduled backup and other different methods. It is not difficult for operation and maintenance personnel, but it is a little difficult for novice webmasters with more sites. After all, novices are still weak in technical convenience. In order to have more time to operate the website, we can use the automatic backup function of the pagoda panel to back up the website to the ftp space. This can not only save time and energy, but also achieve multiple backups. If you are also interested, you can follow the content of the post below Weieis blog.

There are many forms of website backup. For example, our website can be backed up manually on a regular basis and then downloaded manually; You can also use Qiniu Cloud to store backups; You can also use the ftp backup function of the pagoda panel to backup, which is mainly discussed today.

Relevant materials for website backup: BackUpWordPress plug-in regularly backs up websites and databases

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1、 Preparation in advance

This function is integrated in the pagoda panel, so ftp backup storage can only be found in the background of the pagoda panel. Because the web environment panel can only be a pagoda panel, another ftp space should be prepared to store the backed up website data.

Lao Wei suggested that the pagoda panel is suitable for novices and Xiaobai to build a website, and supports Linux and Windows systems, Click to go directly to the pagoda website
Pagoda Linux Enterprise Edition Click Direct
Pagoda Linux Professional Click Direct
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Pagoda Windows Enterprise Edition Click Direct
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Recommended selection of pagoda panel Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud The server
For more information, see Special topic of pagoda panel
Click to view NetEase Cloud Classroom "Introduction to Pagoda Linux Panel for Novice"

2、 Install ftp storage space tool

1. For this tool, in the software management of the pagoda panel, find "System Tools" on the right, see "FTP Storage Space" below, and click "Install" on the right.

2. After installation, click "Settings", enter the IP address, ftp user name, and ftp password of the ftp space, and then save. Note that you can't make a mistake here. If you make a mistake, it will always show that you are getting the file list. If this happens, you'd better uninstall and reinstall.

3. Scheduled backup schedule

Click "Scheduled Task" on the left side of the pagoda panel, and select "Backup Website" and "Backup Database" as the task type on the right side. These are two plans that need to be added in turn.

The execution cycle is a self selected time, which is usually the time period with the least visitors to the website in the second half of the night.

Select "FTP storage space" for backup to, and keep the latest 3 copies by default.

Click "Add Task" and you will see the task just completed in the task list below. Two tasks should be added here, one is to backup the website and the other is to backup the database.

Finally, on the far right side of the task list, the script savvy dog can edit the code command online, or click Execute to test the backup results. After execution, the log can be seen, and finally the command can be deleted.

Finally, go to the FTP space to find the FTP backup of the test, which indicates that the script is OK and can be executed normally.

Finally, to summarize the content of this article, the website program and data files can be backed up to the remote FTP space through this FTP storage space, which can achieve multi-channel backup. Only backup is the most important lifeline of our webmaster. Only with backup can we eat, sleep and play Doudou with peace of mind. Oh no, run the website safely.

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Article name: Tutorial on Regular Backup of Website and Database of Pagoda Panel to FTP Storage Space
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/10917.html
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