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Mistaken Ideas and Correct Methods of Installing Memcached on Pagoda Panels

Adding memcached to the pagoda panel can effectively speed up server access and improve the user experience of the website. However, in actual use, Weieis Blog found that many novices had a mistake, that is, they added the wrong memcached components, which led to the failure of normal server acceleration. In this article, Weieis Blog shares where the misunderstanding lies and how to install the correct acceleration component.

reference material: Pagoda panel installation memcached and detailed configuration method

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Recommended selection of pagoda panel Alibaba Cloud Tencent Cloud The server
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Click to view NetEase Cloud Classroom "Introduction to Pagoda Linux Panel for Novice"

1. Wrong Memcached component adding method

Many people directly install the blue "M" memcached component in the figure below. After installing from here, the server will not have acceleration effect, and you will not feel faster when visiting the website.

2. Correct installation method of memcached

Take the current PHP version used by Lao Wei as an example. The correct installation method is to find Memcached on the right side of "Install Extension" in the "Software Management" php7.0>Settings and install it. This is the correct memcached component. After the installation is completed, go back and see that the blue "M" memcached in the figure above has been installed automatically without manual intervention.

That is to say, there is a sequence problem here. Lao Wei tested it. If you first install Memcached in blue M in the figure above, Memcached in php7.0 in the figure below will not be installed, nor will it accelerate, so it fails; If you go to php7.0 to install Memcached first, and then return, you will see that the blue "M" Memcached has been automatically installed. At this time, the server will speed up, and the website will also speed up several times. This is the correct installation steps and effects. Please note that this order cannot be messed up. If you make a mistake, you will complain that Lao Wei shared wrong and invalid data, wasting your time and energy, but it has no effect. In fact, you have reversed this order.

After installing the memcached component, you should also install a plug-in called memcached is your friend. Please move to the specific installation process Install memcached and object-cache.php The plug-in mentioned in step 2 of can be installed as required. If the pagoda panel is not installed, Memcached will not work normally, and the hit rate is always 0.

3. Accelerate with pagoda panel

Reference for optimizing server speed and performance through pagoda panel How to set pagoda panel to optimize php server performance , it is written in great detail, and there is no more verbosity here.

This memcached is accelerated from the server level, much faster than the program level acceleration of the WordPress plug-in, and takes less resources. Because the principle of the WordPress cache plug-in is to cache the database content to the hard disk, while memcached is to cache it to the memory. The read speed of memory is several times that of hard disk. However, when you use Memcached, you must uninstall cache plug-ins such as Wordpress super cache, because cache plug-ins affect each other.

As for how to detect the effect of memcached, there are two methods: one is to use the detection function of the pagoda panel, which is not intuitive enough; The second is to use third-party php files, which is very intuitive. Easy to operate, please move Multiple methods for real-time monitoring of Memcached hit rate

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Article name: Mistaken Ideas and Correct Methods of Installing Memcached on Pagoda Panels
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/10763.html
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