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What's the difference between 100% exclusive resources of Alibaba Cloud Server and 100% CPU performance? How to choose?

100% exclusive resources of AliCloud server What is the difference between CPU performance of 100% and that of 100%? How to choose? Some netizens often ask such questions because they are not clear about the meaning of the two 100%, and some friends will confuse them and think that 100% is the same. In fact, Weieis Blog wants to tell you that there are still differences between the two statements. This article will talk about the differences and how to choose them in detail.

1、 What are the two 100% configurations?

1. 100% exclusive resources are Computing network enhanced sn1ne And general network enhanced sn2ne, or higher configuration models. The two models mentioned above are commonly used.

2. CPU performance up to 100% means Alibaba Cloud Shared Instance , including shared basic xn4 and shared computing n4 instances.

It is found from the table that, in addition to the default bandwidth of 1M, the shared type is cheaper and the computing network enhanced type is higher.

2、 What is the difference between the two 100%?

1. 100% exclusive resources refer to the computing network enhanced sn1ne instance, which means 100% exclusive system resources. There is no CPU performance limit and no one is competing.

2. When the CPU performance reaches 100%, it refers to Alibaba Cloud shared instances. As the name implies, shared instances share the CPU system resources of the hens with multiple sub computers. There is competition in the use process. Regardless of the official tirade, if you buy a shared server, the CPU performance can reach 100%. The hen system resources are provided for multiple sub machines. If the server you are using uses some of the hen resources, the other sub machines will be allocated less system resources, and vice versa. This is the origin of shared names.

If you are interested in sharing instances, please go to the article: What is the difference between Alibaba Cloud ECS shared and universal (exclusive) instances

3、 How to choose?

The initial business can start from the shared type, because there is no long-term occupation of system resources at the beginning of the business, but the normal operation of the business will not be affected if there are more concurrent instantaneously, and at this time the investment can be kept at a low cost, which is suitable for the basic situation of entrepreneurial individuals and enterprises. The computing network enhanced sn1ne instance 2-core 4G configuration can support tens of thousands of daily PV accesses.

This depends on your business needs. If you choose a shared instance in the initial stage, you can save startup funds without affecting the normal operation of the business. After the business volume increases in the later stage, you can smoothly upgrade to a computing network enhanced instance without changing the server.

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Article name: What is the difference between 100% exclusive resources of Alibaba Cloud Server and 100% CPU performance? How to choose
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/10570.html
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