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Namesilo Registration and domain name purchase tutorial

Namesilo It is a foreign domain name registration platform with four characteristics: 1. The price is relatively cheap, and you can save $1 by using the discount code. 2. It is easy to register and renew. At the same time, it supports Alipay, Paypal, Visa and other payment methods. The main function is to provide free domain privacy protection. This privacy function requires additional payment in other domain name platforms. 3. High security, unauthorized transfer is prohibited. 4. Provide additional operating tools. Today, Lao Wei will introduce Namesilo register and purchase domain name The process of.

1. First Click me to open the namesilo website , register an account.


Enter the account password (for logging in later) and select the security question and answer. This process should have been passed many times when you register a domestic website account. You are very familiar with it. There is nothing to say.


There is an option on the page: keep my information private, which can protect your personal registration information. The namesilo can be opened normally in China. Therefore, the country chooses China, province, city and address as true as possible, and the seat number is also a required item. Finally, enter the verification code and click "CREATE MY NEW ACCOUNT" to create your account.

2. Log in to the newly created account, enter the domain name you want to buy in the domain search box, and click search.


3. Select the suffix of the domain name you want to buy and click REGISTER CHECKED DOMAINS to register.


4. Enter the purchase page, set privacy protection and purchase years, enter the promotion code vpsss, and click submit to get a discount of 1USD. The default value of the com domain name is 8.99USD. After using the discount code, it becomes 7.99USD. After setting, click continue.


5. When you enter the payment page, you can choose a variety of payment methods. Alipay is the most convenient one for us to use. Select Alipay and enter your Alipay account. Click GO to jump to the Alipay payment page. After payment, you will automatically jump to the namesilo registration success prompt page. Later, your registered email will receive an email from namesilo.


The above is the process of namesilo registration and purchase. Next, click me to check How to set domain name A record Tutorials for.

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Article name: Course of Namesilo Registration and Purchase of Domain Name
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/1048.html
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