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Which AliCloud Double 11 ECS configuration has the highest cost performance? 5M bandwidth, 2-core, 8G memory, 100% exclusive model introduction

Which Alibaba Cloud Double 11 ECS configuration has the highest cost performance? Alibaba Cloud's Double 11 Campaign has been going on like a raging fire these days. Many friends are excited after seeing the activity page, but they are still hesitant to choose so many ECS servers with different configurations. Weieis Blog, through its own and common choices, believes that the exclusive configuration of 5M bandwidth, 2-core and 8G memory on the activity page is the most cost-effective model, and recommends you to buy it.

1、 Delegation link

2、 Where to find the configuration of 5M bandwidth, 2-core and 8G

Open the above connection. On the right side of the page, you can see the detailed configuration shown in the following figure. It is seen that 2070 yuan/3 years is the most cost-effective configuration model. Click "Buy and join the group" below to enter the configuration page. After you select it, you can pay for it.

3、 Why buy this configuration

Because the 2-core 8G memory 5M bandwidth is usually expensive, to illustrate this problem, Lao Wei went to the Alibaba Cloud official website to find the normal purchase price of this configuration. You can see the figure below. The normal purchase price of this configuration is 8710 yuan. This price is still after the discount. You can also check the results on the Alibaba Cloud official website.

2070 yuan/3 years is equivalent to 690 yuan/year and 57.5 yuan/month. For more than one yuan/day, you can enjoy the configuration of 2-core 8G memory with 5M bandwidth. Note that there is no performance baseline limit for the CPU, and the general network enhanced sn2ne instance can enjoy 100% exclusive system resources. Whether you are a website or business user, it is enough for more than 3 years of business development. Generally, tens of thousands of PVs per day can be supported by 2 cores, 4G memory, and 2M bandwidth. This configuration is estimated to be 100 thousand PVs per day, which is enough to meet the demand of medium-sized websites and enterprise businesses, without pressure.

AliCloud All China Cloud Computing is a high cost performance model that AliCloud mainly promotes to newcomers to the cloud. The computing network enhanced 2-core 4G memory 1M bandwidth configuration included here also costs 4698 yuan in three years. Compared with the general network enhanced 2-core 8G memory 5M bandwidth, the same is 100% exclusive system resources. Indeed, the latter is more cost-effective.

After the above analysis and explanation, you should be able to understand the configuration of this 5M2 core 8G memory, and also know how to choose this Alibaba Cloud Double 11 campaign. This opportunity is only once a year. Don't say I didn't remind you. It will be another year before you miss it!

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Article name: Which configuration of Alibaba Cloud Dual 11 ECS has the highest cost performance? Introduction to 5M bandwidth, 2-core, 8G memory, 100% exclusive models
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/10389.html
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