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New users' gift package of Alibaba Cloud Database Double 11 event will win 100% prize after the first purchase of 2

Alibaba Cloud database The Double 11 activity is in progress, and two great gifts are presented. The first is the first purchase with 2 folds, and the second is the first purchase with 100% winning lottery. because Alibaba Cloud Double 11 Campaign So many people are paying attention to the database activities. If you need to purchase cloud databases recently, you can follow the details of Alibaba Cloud Database Double 11 activities brought by Weieis blog.

1、 This activity is only for new users to purchase Alibaba Cloud database products for the first time, and they can enjoy a discount as low as 20% for the following specified specifications. Note: Due to the restriction of first purchase, this discount cannot be enjoyed at the same time as the discount offered in Alibaba Cloud's Double 11 "Peak Juhui Compete You Like" activity.
Time: October 30, 2018 to November 12, 2018

After receiving the coupon Click me directly Open the link on the activity page>raffle rules>the last line, and purchase these three items to enjoy the preferential price and 100% lottery treatment.

"Alibaba Cloud database products" refer to: RDS (MySQL/SQL Server/PostgreSQL/PPAS/MariaDB), POLARDB, Redis, MongoDB, HBase, HybridDB for MySQL, HybridDB for PostgreSQL.

2、 AliCloud 1888 yuan voucher

Click me to get it AliCloud 1888 yuan voucher. It is recommended to use shopping carts to purchase more than 100 Alibaba Cloud products. The maximum amount of shopping carts is 1888 yuan, and new customers can enjoy a discount of 5000 yuan less than full shopping carts. You can come back to the blog to get it after the expiration of 7 days. It is recommended that you come to collect it once a day (click the link above to collect it, which is convenient for everyone to access it). This is always effective, and it can be used when you buy Alibaba Cloud products in the future.

3、 Money saving strategy

Select the specifications and configurations of the cloud products first, and then throw them into the shopping cart (don't click Buy Now or you won't get the maximum amount of discount). After all of them are selected, confirm the payment. Remember to check the use of AliCloud vouchers, and the system will automatically determine the maximum vouchers that can be used by the products in the shopping cart. Finally, pay to enjoy the maximum discount.

4、 AliCloud Double 11 Event Sub venue

More AliCloud Double 11 event venues, please follow Summary of all activities and sub venues of Alibaba Cloud on November 11, 2018

The price of this Alibaba Cloud Database Double 11 event is quite reasonable, and it can meet the business needs of different levels and needs. Interested friends can pay attention.

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Article name: "New users of Alibaba Cloud Database Double 11 Event will win 100% of the prize for their first purchase of 2"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/10373.html
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