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Tencent Cloud Double 11 Activity Cloud Product Special Session AMD 1-core 1G memory 625 yuan/3 years 3 discount

Tencent Cloud Double 11 Activity Cloud products show is coming, and then the front Tencent Cloud Burst Instant Killing Activity Special session, this article refers to the special session of cloud products. Cloud product special sessions include ECS, SMS package, cloud database MySQL, elastic cache Redis, cloud database MongoDB, CDN traffic package, message queue Ckafka, etc.

The popular second kill special session is five times a day for different products, models and configurations, while the cloud product venue currently focuses on four configurations of the general-purpose S2, namely, 1-core 1G, 1-core 2G, 2-core 4G and 2-core 8G; Enterprise type four core 8G, four core 16G, eight core 16G and eight core 32G configurations; AMD models have nine configurations from 1-core 1G to 8-core 32G.

Tencent ECS is safe, reliable, elastic and scalable, with multiple bandwidth options, 50G high-performance cloud disk, unlimited CPU load, up to 100%. This instance is much more sincere than Alibaba Cloud's burst performance t5 instance next door. Everyone who has used it knows it and does not talk about it.

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1、 Tencent ECS activity

1. The enterprise level servers are excellent, and there is nothing to say. You can choose according to your needs. The main difference between the general-purpose and AMD ECS is the CPU. One is the server level of Intel, and the other is the server level of AMD. The price difference is not small because of different CPUs. Recently, Tencent Cloud has also been pushing AMD servers. Interested friends can consider trying AMD server. Refer to this article when the selection is uncertain Evaluation and selection of Tencent Cloud AMD ECS Chongqing VM

2. The configuration level can be seen in this way. The website and business with zero traffic at the beginning can start from 1-core 1G and 1-core 2G. If it is a long-term site, business needs, and the server requirements are very high in the long run, it is recommended to directly go to 2-core 4G servers. Generally speaking, it can support tens of thousands of daily PV traffic.

3. The purchase time is recommended to be 3 years at a time. Because the price of the event is relatively cheap, if I only bought it for one year, I will regret it when I renew it: the renewal is more expensive than the price of the event, why didn't I buy it for two more years?

4. The bandwidth can be 1M, 2M, 5M or 10M. In the long run, 2M and 5M have the highest cost performance ratio, and they are recommended.

5. Available regions include domestic and foreign countries. Chengdu and Chongqing are relatively cheap and can serve the Southwest. With the same price in Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai, there is no pressure to serve the whole country. Together with Tencent Cloud CDN, the national visit is fast.

2、 Tencent cloud short message package activity

Tencent cloud short message package domestic short message verification reaches second level, 99% arrival rate, supports high-capacity, high concurrency processing, and is valid for two years from the date of purchase.

The SMS package can only be used for domestic text messages, excluding voice messages and overseas messages; Individual users can only be used for SMS verification code, SMS notification, etc., not for marketing SMS; SMS package products do not support refunds.

3、 Renewal Upgrade Package

In order to retain old users, Tencent Cloud released the upgrade and renewal package. Both new and old users can receive it. It can be used for renewal/upgrade of all prepaid products. Each renewal/upgrade order is limited to one voucher. For example, if I upgrade the configuration to 2500 yuan, I can use 1000 yuan coupons to offset the amount, which is equivalent to the actual cost of 1500 yuan; And 350 yuan can be used for 1000 yuan, which is equal to the actual cost of 650 yuan. So it seems that the more you spend, the more money you save. If you only bought a server for one year from this event, the one-year follow-up fee will be based on the original price. At that time, you may regret why you didn't buy the server for three years.

The validity period of the voucher is from October 22, 2018 to November 30, 2018.

From the perspective of the preferential strength of Tencent Cloud on the Double 11, the activity of Alibaba Cloud next door has already been launched. After all, the two companies are competing, so they are both competing for discounts and promotions, as well as competing for new users and retaining old users. Relatively speaking, Tencent ECS is more affordable than Alibaba Cloud in terms of price. Recently, friends who need to buy servers can consider it. This discount rate is only once a year.

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Article name: "Tencent Cloud Double 11 Event Cloud Products Special Session AMD 1-core 1G memory 625 yuan/3 years 3 discount purchase time longer more discount"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/10277.html
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