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Tencent Cloud Double Eleven Event, a quick sale of money, starts at 9:00 every day, 5 times

Tencent Cloud's Double 11 event started to sell money at 9 o'clock every day, which is a good marketing skill for Tencent Cloud. A few days ago, we still remember that Tencent Cloud has two activities every day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. At that time, Weiaisi Blog also found several cloud servers that are suitable for long-term website building and introduced them to everyone. I believe Tencent Cloud will not let us down in this event.

1、 From this event, there are five second kills every day, namely 09:00, 11:00, 14:00, 16:00 and 19:00. The duration of the event is from October 29 to November 30, 2018, which is much longer than that of Alibaba Cloud next door in terms of the number of times and validity period. Seckill products include ECS, cloud database, Dayu advanced defense, CDN traffic package, etc. They are basically the products commonly used by people at ordinary times, and the categories are quite comprehensive.

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The highlight of this activity is a 2-core 4G cloud server, with a bandwidth of 1M and a 50G cloud disk. Friends who do not have a great demand for the network can definitely consider this server. There is no pressure on PV traffic for tens of thousands of days, so easy. The price is usually a one-time purchase of 3 years, because the renewal is the original price, so don't regret why you didn't buy another 2 years when you renew in the future.

2、 Renewal Upgrade Package

In order to retain old users, Tencent Cloud is also struggling to release the upgrade and renewal package. The big gift package of Tencent Cloud can be received by both new and old users. It can be used for renewal/upgrade of all prepaid products. Each renewal/upgrade order is limited to one voucher, which is very affordable. For example, if I upgrade the configuration to 2500 yuan, I can use 1000 yuan coupons to offset the amount, which is equivalent to the actual cost of 1500 yuan; And 350 yuan can be used for 1000 yuan, which is equal to the actual cost of 650 yuan. So it seems that the more you spend, the more money you save. No matter which cloud product wants to keep new and old users, this is the basis for the survival of businesses. At the same time, it is the driving force for the development of businesses.

The validity period of the voucher is from October 22, 2018 to November 30, 2018.

Seckill description:

1. The discount of seckill activity cannot be superimposed with other discounts, and cannot use vouchers;
2. The order will be closed automatically if payment is not completed within 15 minutes. Please pay as soon as possible after placing the order; If the order is cancelled after the purchase quantity and times limit is reached, the purchase qualification for the corresponding times will be restored 10 minutes later;
3. In the second kill activity, the same user (the same mobile phone, email, real name authentication user is regarded as the same user) is limited to one second kill each time, and is limited to purchase one set. The same user can kill 10 times for each configured product at most;
4. No configuration reduction is allowed after purchase; The configuration upgrade and renewal shall follow the normal purchase process on the official website;
5. Second kill products do not support refunds;
6. All CVM models have unlimited CPU load and maximum performance of 100%;

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Article name: "Tencent Cloud Double 11 Event"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/10266.html
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