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On the morning of the 26th, Tencent Cloud Explosives Seckill Activity 2 cores, 4G/20% off/2Mbps bandwidth/50G cloud disk/1702.8 yuan/3 years, the most cost-effective

Morning of 26th Tencent Cloud Explosives Seckill The activity continues. Today Weieis Blog recommends 2-core 4G /20% off/2Mbps bandwidth/50G cloud disk/1702.8 yuan/3-year configuration model, which was recommended by Wei at the time of the Seckill event a few days ago. Don't miss friends in need. Guangzhou belongs to the computer room in South China, which can radiate to the southern region of China. It can cover the eastern coast to the southwest. In addition, CDN acceleration function is used now, so there is no problem in serving the whole country.


CPU: 1 core
Memory: 1G
Hard disk: 50GB
Bandwidth: 1Mbps
Flow: unlimited
Location: Beijing
Price: 858.6 yuan/3 years
About 23.85 yuan/month, 2003.4 yuan/month
Purchase: Click Direct
CPU: 1 core
Memory: 2G
Hard disk: 50GB
Bandwidth: 1Mbps
Flow: unlimited
Location: Shanghai
Price: 1048.5 yuan/3 years
About 29.12 yuan/month, 3145.5 yuan/month
Purchase: Click Direct
CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 4G
Hard disk: 50GB
Bandwidth: 2Mbps
Flow: unlimited
Location: Guangzhou
Price: 1702.8 yuan/3 years
About 47.3 yuan/month, saving 6811.2 yuan
Purchase: Click Direct <<Recommended purchase

This 2-core 4G configuration also includes 2Mbps bandwidth, which is the best price for performance. Let's grab it today if you need it. This cash explosion activity will end today, and tomorrow it will be too late to regret!

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Article name: "On the morning of the 26th, Tencent's second killing activity of cloud products, 2 cores, 4G/2% off/2Mbps bandwidth/50G cloud disk/1702.8 yuan/3 years, the most cost-effective"
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/10127.html
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