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Record of the resolution process of the maximum time limit for php prompted by the Avada template on the AliCloud virtual machine

WordPress uses the most widely used Avada template, and there are many problems during installation and use. A group friend @ Wang met AliCloud Prompt php maximum time limit in the virtual host Therefore, the demo of this Avada template can only be partially imported, and nothing can be displayed when the foreground is opened. The following is the solution to this problem. Because there are so many netizens who encounter this problem, and you can't make them all change to Alibaba Cloud hosts, Old Wei feels it is necessary to record this solution and share it on his blog.

Related articles: What should I do when the php time limit and php max input vars prompt appear when importing Avada templates?

In this article, Alibaba Cloud independent hosts are used, so they have permission to modify. In this case, Alibaba Cloud virtual hosts have no permission to modify.

To solve this problem, @ Wang sent a work order to ask Alibaba Cloud customer service, and replied that the virtual host could not modify the php. ini, which also led to the inability to use the classic mall. This group friend also changed the PHP version to 7.0 and 7.1 according to experience, which is still invalid. Later, the dead horse simply acted as a live horse doctor, switched the wordrepss template to the system default template, switched back to the Avada template, and imported the demo data. The entire import process did not give a prompt, and the installation was completed successfully.

You see, such a complex problem was solved unintentionally, but such a simple solution would not be remembered if it was not recorded and encountered later. Weieis Blog has shared many simple solutions. It seems simple, but it is actually the result of many people's continuous attempts.

In fact, Avada template still recommends using VPS installation and pagoda panel to build a php environment. At least, it is easy to find the answer when encountering problems. VPS also has a high degree of freedom. Alibaba Cloud ECS can be used domestically( Click me to get it AliCloud voucher, purchase of AliCloud 100+products, and deduct from 50 yuan). Tile movers can be used abroad( Novice register to purchase VPS picture and text tutorial for tile movers )Both domestic and foreign links are CN2 lines, which are extremely fast; Vultr( $5 for new Vultr account, $25 for free )The I/O response speed of SSD cloud disk is extremely fast.

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Article name: Record of the resolution process of the maximum time limit for php prompted by Avada template on AliCloud virtual host
Article link: https://www.vpsss.net/10081.html
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